首页> 外文会议>Medical Imaging 2000: Image Display and Visualization >Evaluation of MR scanning image registration and image processing methods to visualize cortical veins for neurosurgery

Evaluation of MR scanning image registration and image processing methods to visualize cortical veins for neurosurgery


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Abstract: The visualization of brain vessels on the cortex helps the neurosurgeon in two ways: to avoid blood vessels when specifying the trepanation entry, and to overcome errors in the surgical navigation system due to brain shift. We compared 3D T1, MR, 3D T1 MR with gadolinium contrast, MR venography as scanning techniques, mutual information as registration technique, and thresholding and multi-vessel enhancement as image processing techniques. We evaluated the volume rendered results based on their quality and correspondence with photos took during surgery. It appears that with 3D T1 MR scans, gadolinium is required to show cortical veins. The visibility of small cortical veins is strongly enhanced by subtracting a 3D T1 MR baseline scan, which should be registered to the scan with gadolinium contrast, even when the scans are made during the same session. Multi-vessel enhancement helps to clarify the view on small vessels by reducing noise level, but strikingly does not reveal more. MR venography does show intracerebral veins with high detail, but is, as is, unsuited to show cortical veins due to the low contrast with CSF. !9
机译:摘要:皮层上脑血管的可视化可通过两种方式帮助神经外科医师:在指定入路时避免血管进入,并克服由于脑部移位而导致的手术导航系统中的错误。我们比较了3D T1,MR,3D T1 MR与contrast对比,MR静脉造影作为扫描技术,互信息作为配准技术,阈值化和多血管增强作为图像处理技术。我们根据渲染结果的质量以及与手术期间拍摄的照片的对应性来评估渲染结果的体积。似乎在3D T1 MR扫描中,需要g才能显示皮层静脉。通过减去3D T1 MR基线扫描,可以大大增强皮质小静脉的可见度,即使在同一疗程中进行扫描,也应将其记录在with对比下。多血管增强通过降低噪声水平有助于澄清小血管上的视线,但引人注目的却无法揭示更多。 MR静脉造影确实显示出高细节的脑内静脉,但由于与CSF的对比度较低,因此不适合显示皮层静脉。 !9



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