首页> 外文会议>Medical Imaging 1993: PACS: Design and Evaluation >Evaluation of PACS at Hammersmith Hospital: assessment of radiology performance in the accident and emergency department

Evaluation of PACS at Hammersmith Hospital: assessment of radiology performance in the accident and emergency department


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Abstract: In the Accident and Emergency Department (A&E) x-ray images are used to assist in the initial diagnosis and management of the patient. It is therefore expected that the main benefits of PACS in A&E will arise from the ability of clinicians to manipulate the digital image and thus potentially improve their diagnostic performance. In order to evaluate whether this benefit is realized or not a case-study evaluation has been undertaken; this has three components: (a) monitoring the extent of misdiagnosis by A&E clinicians before and after the PACS implementation; (b) an examination of the decision performance of the clinician-image combination for the visualization of the lower cervical spine/upper thoracic spine and of fracture of the head of the radius; and (c) a more general monitoring of the impact of the image archiving and communication aspects of PACS. In this paper the study of the impact of PACS on misdiagnosis by A&E clinicians at the Hammersmith Hospital, London, is described and pre-PACS results for the period 31 March 1992 to 30 September 1992 are presented. !13
机译:摘要:在急症室(A&E)中,X射线图像用于辅助患者的初步诊断和管理。因此,可以预期的是,PACS在A&E中的主要优势将来自于临床医生操作数字图像的能力,从而有可能改善其诊断性能。为了评估这种收益是否实现,进行了案例研究评估;这包括三个部分:(a)在实施PACS之前和之后监视急症室临床医生的误诊程度; (b)检查临床医生图像组合的决策性能,以显示下颈椎/上胸椎和and骨头骨折; (c)对PACS图像存档和通信方面的影响进行更一般的监视。本文描述了伦敦哈默史密斯医院A&E临床医生对PACS对误诊的影响的研究,并介绍了1992年3月31日至1992年9月30日期间PACS之前的结果。 !13



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