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Leg ulcer plastic surgery descent by laser therapy


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Abstract: Low energy laser therapy (LELT) was used to treat chronic leg ulcers. Seven patients, aged 59 to 96 years, with 11 leg ulcers were referred for laser therapy by plastic surgeons. They had a history of ulceration of 3 - 50 years and five of the patients had breakdown of previous skin grafts. Laser treatments were administered with a microprocessor-controlled device. A 22 red ($lambda $EQ 660 nm) laser head was utilized to provide a dose of (4 - 6) J/cm$+2$/ and 7 infrared ($lambda $EQ 880 nm) head to provide a dose of (4 - 8) J/cm$+2$/. The patients were treated three to five times per week, 25 - 30 treatments per course. Three patients underwent two courses of laser therapy with three weeks interval between them. All patients, after 5 - 10 laser treatments, have gotten relief of pain and decreased the amount of analgesics used. All ulcers in six patients were completely healed and two ulcers in the seventh patient decreased in size by 75%. One may conclude the developed laser methodology might be used as a preventative measure to avoid plastic surgery or improve its success. !23
机译:摘要:低能激光疗法(LELT)用于治疗慢性腿部溃疡。整形外科医生将7位年龄在59到96岁之间,有11个腿部溃疡的患者转介到激光治疗中。他们有3至50年的溃疡病史,其中五名患者以前的植皮失败。用微处理器控制的设备进行激光治疗。利用22红色(λEQ660 nm)激光头提供(4-6)J / cm $ + 2 $ /的剂量和7红外(λEQ880 nm)头提供的剂量为(4-8)J / cm $ + 2 $ /。每周接受三至五次治疗,每个疗程25至30次治疗。三名患者接受了两个疗程的激光治疗,间隔时间为三周。经过5-10次激光治疗后,所有患者的疼痛得到缓解,并减少了止痛药的使用量。 6位患者的所有溃疡均已完全治愈,而7位患者的2个溃疡的大小减少了75%。可能会得出结论,开发的激光方法可以用作预防措施,以避免整形手术或提高其成功率。 !23



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