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Key Factors of Supply Chain Technological Innovations from the Perspective of Logistics Service Providers in China


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The growth of China's economy requires the logistics industry to operate more efficiently and effectively in the global supply chain.China's logistics service providers (Hereafter short for LSPs) should adopt more efficient logistics technologies to provide better services for their customers. However,there is a lack of empirical research on the adoption of logistics technologies in China.This paper has attempted to fiss the knowledge gap by investigating the determinants of technological innovations in China's logistics industry.This paper focuses on the factors influencing the adoption of technological innovations by LSPs in China and investigates the outcomes of adopting new technologies on supply chain performance.A questionnaire survey is conducted among China's logistics industry. After data reduction through factor analysis,the validity and reliability are confirmed bv its Cronbach's alpha value,and then we employ regression method to verify our theoretical model and all the hypotheses. Empirical test results prove that technological, organizational and environmental factors significantly affect the adoption of technological innovations by China's logistics industry,and adopting new technologies will increase supply chain performance for the logistics industry in China.
机译:中国经济的增长需要物流业在全球供应链中更有效地运作。中国的物流服务提供商(以下简称LSP)应采用更高效的物流技术为客户提供更好的服务。然而,目前我国对物流技术采用的实证研究还很缺乏。本文试图通过研究中国物流业技术创新的决定因素来消除知识鸿沟。本文着重探讨了影响技术采用的因素。 LSPs在中国的创新,并调查了采用新技术对供应链绩效的结果。对中国物流业进行了问卷调查。通过因子分析对数据进行约简后,通过其克伦巴赫α值确定其有效性和可靠性,然后采用回归方法对理论模型及所有假设进行验证。实证检验结果表明,技术,组织和环境因素显着影响中国物流业对技术创新的采用,采用新技术将提高中国物流业的供应链绩效。



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