
Gas-Condensate Reservoir Development: ACase Study




Gas-condensate field Honey is located in the central part of Vojvodina (Panonian basin).Reservoir has high temperature and pressure (366 bar) and consists 80% of CO2. Initialcondensate factor is about 900 m 3 /m 3 . Reserves calculated by volumetric method are OGIP =860 10 6 m 3 , OOIP = 829 10 3 m 3 . Four wells were drilled so far.Field was in production for several months. During this testing period intensive welltestmeasurements were done, including build up, puls test, limit test and separator tests. Welltestinterpretation showed there was good communication between wells, presence of nearwellbore zone damage, rather small permeability (around 10mD and less).An approximate value of reserves got from limit test showed good match with volumetriccalculation. Material balance calculation also showed reserve values in the same range.Laboratory PVT analysis was done at recombining sample, which included primary tests,CCE and CVD tests. It confirmed gas-condensate behavior of fluid near critical point, withdew point pressure, Pdew = 362.8 bar.Main goal of this study was to find optimum field development plan. Full field 10-componentcompositional model of the reservoir was used as a tool for designing it. As the gas from thefield is basically CO2 predominate interest was to reach the highest condensate recovery.Laboratory PVT data were used for compositional simulation. The Peng-Robinson EOS wasapplied to describe fluid behavior. Analysis of laboratory data implied that splitting of plusfraction was necessary. Grouping was done to decrease number of components forcompositional simulation. Tuning EOS model matched CCE and CVD laboratory tests, andgot rather good match. CCE and CVD liquid saturation are shown in Figure 1.Compositional simulation was performed to analyze effects of produced gas injection torecovery efficiency. Because production history is very short, only one well H-1, produced,other wells were tested, matching was done to data got from welltest. Time steps used insimulation are small for production history and welltesting period. Although that greatlyincreased simulation time it has been considered necessary to get better description ofreservoir behavior and more reliable production forecast. History matching of reservoirpressure is shown in Figure 2., bottomhole flowing pressure in Figure 3. Simulation pressureresults are given per each well (each well has different referent depth). Condensate productionhistory matching for well H-1 is shown in Figure 4.Gas-condensate reservoirs are characterized by specific behavior. Pressure drop below dewpoint causes condensate blockage effects in near wellbore zone. Around well H-1, local gridrefinement was done to monitor condensate saturation changes near the well. It could benoticed that condesate saturation increases in nearwellbore zone with pressure decline.
机译:天然气凝析气田Honey位于伏伊伏丁那(Panonian盆地)的中部。 储层具有高温和高压(366巴),且包含80%的CO2。最初的 冷凝因子约为900 m 3 / m 3。通过体积法计算的储量为OGIP = 860 10 6 m 3,OOIP = 829 10 3 m 3。到目前为止,已钻了四口井。 现场已经生产了几个月。在此测试期间,密集试井 进行了测量,包括堆积,脉冲测试,极限测试和分离器测试。井井有条 解释表明井之间存在良好的沟通,附近存在 井筒区域损坏,渗透率相当小(约10mD及以下)。 极限测试得到的储量的近似值显示出与体积的良好匹配 计算。物料余额计算也显示出相同范围内的储量值。 实验室PVT分析是在重组样品时完成的,其中包括主要测试, CCE和CVD测试。它证实了临界点附近流体的气体凝结行为, 露点压力,Pdew = 362.8 bar。 这项研究的主要目的是找到最佳的油田开发计划。全场10分量 油藏的组成模型被用作设计它的工具。由于气体来自 油田基本上是二氧化碳的主要利益,是达到最高的冷凝水回收率。 实验室PVT数据用于成分模拟。 Peng-Robinson EOS原为 用于描述流体行为。对实验室数据的分析表明,正离子的分裂 分数是必要的。进行分组以减少以下组件的数量 成分模拟。调整EOS模型以匹配CCE和CVD实验室测试,并且 有相当好的搭配。 CCE和CVD液体饱和度如图1所示。 进行成分模拟以分析产生的气体注入对 恢复效率。由于生产历史非常短,因此只生产了1口H-1井, 对其他孔进行了测试,将其与从testtest获得的数据进行了匹配。用于的时间步长 对于生产历史和试井期而言,模拟很小。虽然那很大 增加了仿真时间,因此认为有必要更好地描述 油藏行为和更可靠的产量预测。水库历史匹配 压力如图2所示,井底流动压力如图3所示。模拟压力 每个孔都给出结果(每个孔具有不同的参考深度)。冷凝水生产 H-1井的历史拟合如图4所示。 凝析气藏的特征是特定的行为。压力降到露水以下 该点在井眼附近引起凝结物阻塞效应。 H-1井周围,局部网格 进行了细化以监控井附近的冷凝水饱和度变化。它可能是 注意到随着压力下降,井筒附近的饱和油饱和度增加。



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