首页> 外国专利> Development of rice strains (oryza sativa L.) with resistance to acetyl coenzyme a carboxylase (acase) enzyme inhibitor herbicides obtained by gamma ray induced mutation

Development of rice strains (oryza sativa L.) with resistance to acetyl coenzyme a carboxylase (acase) enzyme inhibitor herbicides obtained by gamma ray induced mutation



Abstract development of rice strains (oryza sativa L.) with resistance to acetyl coenzyme a carboxylase (acase) inhibitor herbicides obtained by gamma ray induced mutation. The present invention discloses the development of rice (oryza sativa L.) strains resistant to herbicides inhibiting the enzyme acetyl coenzyme a carboxylase (accase) by the application of gamma rays to the production of the oryza sativa species. Modified with the sequence described in seq. No: 1 and the rice strains comprise the substitution mutation of the guanine nitrogen base by thymine at the position corresponding to the codon giving amino acid 2027 at the carboxyl transferase site of the enzyme of the accase and the plants Of rice present a variation in the gene coding for the enzyme acetyl-coenzyme a carboxylase, Promoting resistance to inhibitory herbicides of the accase, compared to wild variety of the plant. 1/1
机译:通过γ射线诱导的突变获得的对乙酰辅酶a羧化酶(acase)抑制剂除草剂具有抗性的水稻品系(oryza sativa L.)的抽象开发。本发明公开了通过将γ射线应用于水稻的生产来开发对除草剂具有抑制乙酰辅酶α羧化酶(accase)的除草剂的抗性的水稻菌株。用以下序列中描述的顺序进行修改。 No:1,并且水稻菌株在对应于accase酶的羧基转移酶位点的密码子给出氨基酸2027的位置处包含胸腺嘧啶的鸟嘌呤氮碱基的取代突变,并且水稻植物在与植物的野生品种相比,编码乙酰辅酶a羧化酶的基因,提高了对accase抑制性除草剂的抗性。 1/1



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