首页> 外文会议>Linnean Society of New South Wales Proceedings vol.125; 200307; >Trichromothrips veversae sp.n. (Insecta, Thysanoptera), and the Botanical Significance of Insects Host-specific to Austral Bracken Fern (Pteridium esculentum)

Trichromothrips veversae sp.n. (Insecta, Thysanoptera), and the Botanical Significance of Insects Host-specific to Austral Bracken Fern (Pteridium esculentum)

机译:三色拟青霉(昆虫纲,Th翅目)和昆虫寄主对南方蕨蕨(Pteridium esculentum)的植物学意义

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Austral bracken fern, Pteridium esculentum, differs from its European counterpart in supporting one species of both thrips and aphid. The previously undescribed species of thrips, Trichromothrips veversae sp.n. (Thripidae), is widespread and locally abundant in southern Australia breeding on the youngest fronds of bracken but not on other ferns. It is unique among nearly 30 species of this Old World tropical genus in lacking long setae on the pronotum.
机译:蕨菜南方蕨(Pteridium esculentum)在支持蓟马和蚜虫的一种方面不同于欧洲同类蕨类。以前未描述过的蓟马种类,Trichromothrips veversaesp.n。 (Thripidae),在澳大利亚南部广泛分布,本地丰富,繁殖于蕨菜的最年轻的叶上,但不繁殖于其他蕨类。在这个旧世界热带属的近30种中,它在前胸背板上缺乏长刚毛,因此是独特的。



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