
Where we go from here to engineer a quieter America




To engineer a quieter America requires action by engineers in private industry, consultingfirms, government, academe, and professional societies. Public pressure must also be adriving force. Interactions with government agencies, including regulatory bodies, arenecessary to develop a comprehensive national noise policy. The National Academies Presspublished the Technology for a Quieter America (TQA) consensus report in 2010 withtwenty-eight recommendations, many of them addressed to federal regulatory agencies.The TQA report was prepared by a committee of the National Academy of Engineering(NAE). The TQA Follow-up Team of the NAE is targeting specific recommendations forimplementation and has organized three successful workshops to date on motorcycle noise,quiet pavements or barriers, and quiet manufacturing facilities of the future. All were heldin National Academies’ facilities. Each of the workshops brought together the principalstakeholders on the issue including regulatory authorities, trade associations, manufacturers,and representatives of the public. The workshop reports include recommendations tospecific regulatory bodies for carrying out the recommendations of the TQA report.Workshops currently in the planning stage target progress on consumer and industrialproduct noise reduction, the noise reductions of the U.S. Department of Transportationmodal agencies, and U.S. Department of Defense noise issues. The TQA team’s model ofthe TQA report followed by workshops, reports, and recommendations on specific subjectsrepresents a realistic approach for engineering a quieter America for future generations.
机译:要让美国变得更加安静,就需要私营企业,咨询公司,政府,学术机构和专业协会的工程师采取行动。公众压力也必须是推动力量。必须与政府机构(包括监管机构)进行互动,以制定全面的国家噪声政策。美国国家科学院出版社(National Academies Press)在2010年发布了《美国更安静技术(TQA)》共识报告,其中包含28条建议,其中许多建议是针对联邦监管机构的。TQA报告是由美国国家工程院(NAE)的一个委员会编写的。 NAE的TQA后续团队针对具体的实施建议,迄今已成功举办了三场关于摩托车噪声,安静的人行道或障碍物以及未来安静的制造设施的研讨会。所有这些都保存在国家科学院的设施中。每个研讨会都将有关问题的主要利益相关者聚集在一起,包括监管机构,行业协会,制造商和公众代表。讲习班的报告包括向特定监管机构提出的执行TQA报告建议的建议。目前处于计划阶段的研讨会的目标是降低消费者和工业产品的噪音,美国运输部模范部门的噪音以及美国国防部的噪音。问题。 TQA团队的TQA报告模型,然后是针对特定主题的研讨会,报告和建议,代表了为子孙后代打造一个安静的美国的现实方法。



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