
Objective and subjective speech intelligibility assessments in primary school classrooms




This work describes the results of speech intelligibility tests and measurements performed inprimary school classrooms. The analyses were carried out in two laboratory-classroomscharacterized by 1.6 s and 0.7 s occupied midfrequency reverberation time (RT), in presence ofdifferent types of noise. Speech babble and fan-coil noise were emitted into the room, trafficnoise came from an external source and impact noise was generated on the floor upstairs theclassroom. A total of about 3700 tests were submitted to 470 students from 7 to 11 year olds.The correlations between speech intelligibility and objective parameters are obtained forchildren of different age. The availability of data referred to two different conditions, with highand low RT respectively, allows to determine intelligibility decrease due to reverberation. Afurther research outcome is the effect on speech intelligibility of the different types of noise.One of the main finding of the work, as found in a previous research, is that youngerchildren need more restrictive acoustical condition than older ones, for achieving the same levelof speech intelligibility. A good correspondence was found between speech intelligibility andlistening difficulty, the latter evaluated on a 5-point scale from “very easy” to “very difficult”.
机译:这项工作描述了语音清晰度测试和在小学教室进行的测量结果。该分析是在两个实验室教室中进行的,这些教室的特征是分别有1.6 s和0.7 s的中频混响时间(RT),并且存在不同类型的噪声。语音ba啪声和风扇线圈噪声散发到房间里,交通噪声来自外部来源,教室楼上地板上产生了撞击声。总共对470名7至11岁的学生进行了3700项测试。获得了不同年龄儿童的语音清晰度与客观参数之间的相关性。分别涉及两个不同条件(分别具有高RT和低RT)的数据可用性,可以确定由于混响而导致的清晰度下降。进一步的研究结果是不同类型噪声对语音清晰度的影响。一项先前研究发现,这项工作的主要发现之一是,与同龄儿童相比,为了达到相同的语音水平,幼儿需要更多的限制性声学条件。清晰度。在语音清晰度和听觉困难之间找到了很好的对应关系,后者从“非常容易”到“非常困难”的5分制进行了评估。



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