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Model-based redesign: indexing causal mechanisms and qualitative relations


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Abstract: Very rarely do physical devices function as intended by their designers the first time they are implemented. Usually, there are two ways in which the behavior of a device may deviate from the intended one: the device may not exhibit a desired behavior or it may result in an undesirable behavior. We describe a model-based method for solving the latter task. This method involves diagnosis and repair of the failed device and verification of the modified device. It uses compiled structure-behavior- function (SBF) models of how the device works. In an SBF model, the behaviors and the structural elements of a device act as indices into causal mechanisms that explain how the structure of the device produces its behaviors. The causal mechanisms in turn serve as indices into qualitative relations between device variables. The KRITIK2 system uses this indexing scheme to access relevant causal mechanisms and qualitative relations, and uses this knowledge for solving the diagnosis, repair, and verification subtasks of redesign. KRITIK2 shows that this model-based method is sufficient for parametric redesign even for devices in which a single cause results in multiple effects and a single structural element plays a role in multiple causal behaviors. !7
机译:摘要:物理设备在首次实现时,很少能达到其设计者的预期功能。通常,设备的行为可以通过两种方式偏离预期的行为:设备可能没有表现出所需的行为,或者可能导致不良的行为。我们描述了一种解决上述任务的基于模型的方法。此方法涉及故障设备的诊断和维修以及修改后的设备的验证。它使用有关设备工作方式的已编译结构行为功能(SBF)模型。在SBF模型中,设备的行为和结构元素充当因果机制的索引,这些因果机制解释了设备的结构如何产生其行为。因果机制进而充当设备变量之间质性关系的指标。 KRITIK2系统使用该索引方案来访问相关的因果机制和质量关系,并使用此知识来解决重新设计的诊断,修复和验证子任务。 KRITIK2表明,即使对于单个原因导致多种影响且单个结构元素在多种因果行为中起作用的设备,这种基于模型的方法也足以进行参数重新设计。 !7


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