首页> 外文会议>Joint annual meeting of the International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology >Trimester-Specific Prenatal Exposure to PM2.5 and Birth Weight among Minority Populations in Puerto Rico

Trimester-Specific Prenatal Exposure to PM2.5 and Birth Weight among Minority Populations in Puerto Rico




Background: While prenatal exposure to air pollutants has been associated with adverse birth outcomes, these associations are largely unstudied in minority populations. We assessed the association between trimester-specific maternal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and birthweight (BW) in Puerto Rico for live births between 1999 and 2013. Methods: We studied 339,805 singleton births (mean gestational age: 37.9 weeks, SD: 2.9) to mothers whose mean age was 25.2 years (SD 6.0) in 37 Puerto Rican municipalities with at least 50% of their land area within 10 miles of a central regulatory air pollution monitor, from which we obtained daily PM2.5 concentrations. We included births for which gestational age was ≥20 weeks. PM2.5 exposure data were available for ≥75% of days in each trimester. We used a Poisson regression model with a sandwich linearized estimator of variance to estimate the association between mean exposure levels per trimester and BW, dichotomized as less than or ≥2,500 grams. We adjusted for individual and municipal-level confounders and allowed for potential clustering by municipality. Results: Median PM2.5 concentration across the study period was 7.0 micrograms/m3 [interquartile range (IQR) 6.0-8.1], and 35,751 infants (10.5%) had low BW. Mothers attended ≥10 prenatal visits for 69.8% of births, 89.1% of them were Hispanic and 10.9% were black. The risk ratios associated with an IQR difference in PM2.5 concentration were 1.00 (95% CI 0.98,1.02), 1.02 (1.00, 1.04), and 1.00 (0.98,1.03) for trimesters 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Sensitivity analysis using ordinal logistic models that cast BW as very low, low, and normal yielded similar results: odds ratios 1.00 (0.98, 1.02), 1.02 (0.99,1.04), and 1.01 (0.98, 1.04) for respective trimesters. Conclusion: Over 14 years in a population exposed to relatively low levels of PM2.5, second trimester exposures had the strongest association with low birth weight.
机译:背景:虽然产前暴露于空气污染物与不良的出生结局有关,但在少数族裔中这些关联在很大程度上未被研究。我们评估了波多黎各在1999年至2013年之间的三个月中活产婴儿的特定孕产妇暴露于细颗粒物(PM2.5)和出生体重(BW)之间的关联。方法:我们研究了339,805个单胎婴儿出生(平均胎龄:37.9周, SD:2.9)在波多黎各37个城市中平均年龄为25.2岁(SD 6.0)的母亲,其土地面积的至少50%在中央管制空气污染监测仪的10英里范围内,从中我们获得每日的PM2.5浓度。我们纳入了胎龄≥20周的婴儿。在每个孕期中,≥2.5%的天可获得PM2.5暴露数据。我们使用Poisson回归模型和方差三明治线性化估计量来估计每三个月的平均暴露水平与BW(二分法小于或等于2500克)之间的关联。我们针对个人和市政级别的混杂因素进行了调整,并考虑了市政当局的潜在聚类。结果:整个研究期间PM2.5的中位数浓度为7.0微克/立方米[四分位间距(IQR)6.0-8.1],并且35,751例婴儿(10.5%)的BW低。母亲参加了≥10次产前检查,占新生儿的69.8%,其中西班牙裔占89.1%,黑人为10.9%。与孕中期1、2和3的PM2.5浓度的IQR差异相关的风险比分别为1.00(95%CI 0.98,1.02),1.02(1.00、1.04)和1.00(0.98,1.03)。使用顺序逻辑模型将BW设置为非常低,低和正常的敏感性分析得出相似的结果:各个孕期的比值比为1.00(0.98,1.02),1.02(0.99,1.04)和1.01(0.98,1.04)。结论:在暴露于相对较低水平的PM2.5的人群中,超过14年的孕中期暴露与低出生体重之间的关联最强。



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