
A Geometric Preferential Attachment Model of Networks


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We study a random graph G_n that combines certain aspects of geometric random graphs and preferential attachment graphs. The vertices of G_n are n sequentially generated points x_1, x_2,... ,x_n chosen uniformly at random from the unit sphere in R~3. After generating x_t, we randomly connect it to m points from those points in x_1, x_2,... ,x_(t-1) which are within distance r. Neighbours are chosen with probability proportional to their current degree. We show that if m is sufficiently large and if r > log n~(1/2-β) for some constant β then whp at time n the number of vertices of degree k follows a power law with exponent 3. Unlike the preferential attachment graph, this geometric preferential attachment graph has small separators, similar to experimental observations of. We further show that if m ≥ K log n, K sufficiently large, then G_n is connected and has diameter O(m/r) whp.
机译:我们研究了随机图G_n,该图结合了几何随机图和优先附着图的某些方面。 G_n的顶点是从R〜3中的单位球面随机随机选择的n个连续生成的点x_1,x_2,...,x_n。生成x_t之后,我们将其随机连接到x_1,x_2,...,x_(t-1)中距离r内的m个点。选择邻居的概率与当前程度成正比。我们证明,如果m足够大,并且r> log n / n〜(1 /2-β)对于某个常数β,则在时间n处whp,度为k的顶点数遵循幂指数为3的幂定律。优先附着图,此几何优先附着图具有小的分隔符,类似于实验观察到的。我们进一步表明,如果m≥K log n,K足够大,则G_n被连接并且直径为w(m / r)whp。



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