首页> 外文会议>International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization amp; Fuel Systems vol.1; 20050417-21; Clearwater,FL(US) >Utilizing Animal Tissue Biomass in Coal-Fired Boilers: A Step Closer Towards Implementation?

Utilizing Animal Tissue Biomass in Coal-Fired Boilers: A Step Closer Towards Implementation?


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Livestock deaths pose daunting carcass-disposal challenges regardless of the cause -accidental disease entry, typical animal-production mortality, natural disaster, or an act of terrorism. Effective means of carcass disposal are essential regardless of the cause of mortality but are perhaps most crucial for disease eradication efforts. In addition, with the identification of the first case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in the United States in December 2003 regulatory changes are being promulgated to ensure confidence in the safety of the food supply. These regulations may require the removal of cattle mortalities and specified risk materials (SRM) from being utilized in the production of rendered animal feed, thereby increasing the quantity of material that must be disposed. There are several disposal technologies being considered by industry and regulatory agencies including burial, incineration, composting, rendering, lactic acid fermentation, alkaline hydrolysis, anaerobic digestions, and novel technologies. Taylor Packing Company-Cargill Meats Solutions (Taylor-Cargill), with the assistance from Penn State, has been exploring the possibility of cofiring animal-tissue biomass (ATB) in coal-fired boilers as an additional disposal option. In July 2004, Penn State, Taylor-Cargill, and McDonalds Corporation hosted a workshop at Penn State to discuss and develop strategies to utilize ATB as a fuel in industrial and utility boilers, brainstorm on the development of a national infrastructure that could utilize ATB as a fuel on both a routine and large-scale emergency basis, and stimulate public-private collaboration. Representatives from federal and state government, meatpacking and rendering industries, food industry and service, banking, equipment supply, cogeneration companies, fluidized-bed boiler manufacturing, and academia attended the workshop. The workshop consisted of presentations that outlined the issues of carcass and tissue disposal and provided overviews of the technology of energy generation from fluidized-bed boilers, followed by breakout sessions that addressed the issues of concept-to-commercialization, logistics, and economics and incentives. This paper summarizes the findings from the workshop, which were also submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in response to an advanced notice of public rulemaking for comments on economic and environmental issues associated with the disposal of animal tissues. The feasibility of the technology is discussed as well as pilot-scale tests that are underway to demonstrate the handling, combustion performance, and emissions when cofiring ATB and coal in a fluidized-bed combustion system. Penn State's Energy Institute is performing the testing with technical assistance from fluidized-bed boiler vendors such as The Babcock & Wilcox Company and Foster Wheeler North America Corporation. The National Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA) is providing the funding for the testing with Taylor-Cargill also providing financial support and the ATB.
机译:无论原因如何,牲畜死亡都对屠体的处理构成了严峻的挑战-意外疾病的入侵,典型的动物生产死亡率,自然灾害或恐怖主义行为。无论死因如何,有效的of体处置方法都是必不可少的,但对于根除疾病的努力也许是最关键的。此外,随着2003年12月在美国发现第一例牛海绵状脑病(BSE),正在颁布法规变更,以确保对食品供应安全的信心。这些法规可能要求去除牛的死亡率和特定风险材料(SRM),以用于生产提炼的动物饲料,从而增加必须处理的材料的数量。工业和监管机构正在考虑几种处置技术,包括埋葬,焚烧,堆肥,提炼,乳酸发酵,碱水解,厌氧消化和新技术。泰勒包装公司-卡吉尔肉类解决方案公司(Taylor-Cargill)在宾州州立大学的协助下,一直在探索将燃煤锅炉中的动物组织生物质(ATB)共烧的可能性,作为一种额外的处置选择。 2004年7月,宾夕法尼亚州立大学,泰勒-卡吉尔大学和麦当劳公司在宾夕法尼亚州立大学举办了研讨会,讨论和制定将ATB用作工业和公用事业锅炉燃料的战略,集思广益,探讨可以利用ATB作为基础设施的国家基础设施的发展。在例行和大规模紧急情况下提供燃料,并促进公私合作。来自联邦和州政府,肉类包装和提炼业,食品工业和服务业,银行业,设备供应业,热电联产公司,流化床锅炉制造业和学术界的代表参加了研讨会。讲习班包括演讲,概述了car体和组织处理的问题,并概述了流化床锅炉的能源生产技术,随后举行分组讨论会,讨论了从概念化到商业化,物流以及经济和激励措施的问题。 。本文总结了此次研讨会的发现,并已将其提交给食品药品监督管理局(FDA),以响应公共规则制定的预先通知,以就与处理动物组织相关的经济和环境问题发表评论。讨论了该技术的可行性以及正在进行的中试测试,以证明在流化床燃烧系统中同时燃烧ATB和煤时的处理,燃烧性能和排放。宾夕法尼亚州立大学能源研究所正在流化床锅炉供应商(例如Babcock&Wilcox公司和Foster Wheeler北美公司)的技术协助下进行测试。全国养牛者协会(NCBA)正在为测试提供资金,泰勒-卡吉尔(Taylor-Cargill)也提供了财务支持和ATB。



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