首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Water Resources and the Urban Environment; 20031109-10; Wuhan(CN) >Deformation Mechanism for the Pavement and Embankment of Jinsha Flyover of Yihuang Expressway

Deformation Mechanism for the Pavement and Embankment of Jinsha Flyover of Yihuang Expressway


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Embankment deformation such as slope sliding and lateral cracking will affect adversely the quality of the expressway, obstruct traffic flow and shorten the service life of the expressway. It is therefore necessary to study the deformation mechanism. The embankment of Jinsha Flyover is 8-11 meter high and the pavement and embankment had witnessed a substantial deformation since the expressway was put into operation. The deformation trend has been summarized and the cause of the embankment deformation has been subsequently analyzed by carrying out deformation measurement and analysis. It is found that the embankment deformation is due to the poor engineering properties of the backfill; the non-uniformity and certain degree of expansibility and contractibility of the backfill; high and steep embankment formation; and erosion. It is also found that the lateral deformation was caused by the interaction of these factors and stress concentration on the embankment slope. The embankment deformation can be categorized as four stages: ① Lengthways cracks appear on the slope surface; ② the cracks extend to the embankment shoulder; ③ the pavement yields lengthways cracks while the lengthways cracks on the slope and shoulder continue to expand; ④ The further expansion of these cracks and local slope instability results in separation between the pavement and embankment, which damages the expressway.
机译:路堤变形(例如边坡滑移和横向开裂)将对高速公路的质量产生不利影响,阻碍交通流量并缩短高速公路的使用寿命。因此有必要研究变形机理。高速公路投入运营以来,金沙天桥的路堤高8-11米,人行道和路堤发生了重大变形。通过变形测量和分析,总结了变形趋势,并分析了路堤变形的原因。结果表明,路堤变形是由于回填工程性能差所致。回填的不均匀性和一定程度的可扩展性和可收缩性;高陡路堤的形成;和侵蚀。还发现横向变形是由这些因素和路堤边坡上应力集中的相互作用引起的。路堤变形可分为四个阶段:①坡面上出现纵向裂缝; ②裂纹扩展到路堤的肩部; ③人行道产生纵裂,边坡和肩部纵裂继续扩展; ④这些裂缝的进一步扩展和局部边坡的不稳定性导致人行道和路堤之间的分离,从而破坏了高速公路。



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