
On Approximating Real-World Halting Problems


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No algorithm can of course solve the Halting Problem, that is, decide within finite time always correctly whether a given program halts on a certain given input. It might however be able to give correct answers for 'most' instances and thus solve it at least approximately. Whether and how well such approximations are feasible highly depends on the underlying encodings and in particular the Goedelization (programming system) which in practice usually arises from some programming language. We consider BrainF~*ck (BF), a simple yet Turing-complete real-world programming language over an eight letter alphabet, and prove that the natural enumeration of its syntactically correct sources codes induces a both efficient and dense Goedelization in the sense of [Jakoby&Schindelhauer'99]. It follows that any algorithm M approximating the Halting Problem for BF errs on at least a constant fraction ε_M > 0 of all instances of size n for infinitely many n. Next we improve this result by showing that, in every dense Goedelization, this constant lower bound e to be independent of M; while, the other hand, the Halting Problem does admit approximation up to arbitrary fraction δ > 0 by an appropriate algorithm M_δ handling instances of size n for infinitely many n. The last two results complement work by [Lynch'74].
机译:当然,没有算法能够解决暂停问题,也就是说,始终不能在有限时间内正确地确定给定程序是否在某个给定输入上暂停。但是,它可能能够针对“大多数”实例给出正确答案,从而至少可以近似地解决它。这种近似是否可行以及如何可行在很大程度上取决于基础编码,尤其是Goedelization(编程系统),实际上,Goedelization(编程系统)通常源于某种编程语言。我们考虑了BrainF〜* ck(BF),它是一个简单但在8个字母的字母表上具有图灵完备的真实世界的编程语言,并证明了其语法正确的源代码的自然枚举在某种意义上既引起了高效又密集的Goedelization。 [Jakoby&Schindelhauer'99]。因此,对于无限多个n,在大小为n的所有实例的至少一个恒定分数ε_M> 0上,任何近似BF错误的算法M都会使BF错误。接下来,我们通过证明在每个密集的Goedelization中,此恒定下限e与M无关,来改善此结果;而另一方面,“停顿问题”的确允许通过适当的算法M_δ来近似处理任意分数δ> 0,其中M_δ处理大小为n的实例对于无限多个n。最后两个结果补充了[Lynch'74]的工作。



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