首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences(ISCIS 2006); 20061101-03; Istanbul(TR) >Trustworthy Distributed Algorithm Design to Defend Distance Cheating in Link-Weighted ALM

Trustworthy Distributed Algorithm Design to Defend Distance Cheating in Link-Weighted ALM


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In link-weighted Application Layer Multicast (ALM), each selfish and strategic end-host receiver may cheat in distance measurement to obtain a better position in the ALM tree. Distance cheating of ALM receivers might lead the ALM tree to be sub-optimal and unstable. We proposed a VCG-based cheat-proof mechanism to defend this kind of cheating behavior in previous work. Based on the theoretical framework, a practical algorithm is designed in this paper, which runs distributedly on ALM receivers. The primary characteristic of the distributed algorithm lies in that it is trustworthy to enforce each selfish receiver to fulfill the algorithm truthfully, which is not considered in other similar studies. Simulations results further suggest that the algorithm is effective in defending distance cheating in link-weighted ALM.
机译:在链路加权的应用程序层多播(ALM)中,每个自私且具有战略意义的最终主机接收器都可能在距离测量中作弊,从而在ALM树中获得更好的位置。 ALM接收器的距离作弊可能会导致ALM树不够理想且不稳定。在以前的工作中,我们提出了一种基于VCG的防作弊机制来捍卫这种作弊行为。在理论框架的基础上,设计了一种实用的算法,可以在ALM接收机上分布式运行。分布式算法的主要特征在于,强制每个自私的接收者如实实现该算法是值得信赖的,其他类似研究中并未考虑。仿真结果进一步表明,该算法可有效防御链路加权ALM中的距离作弊。



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