
System Pattern of Consciousness Functioning


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This paper presents results of researches system pattern of consciousness functioning. To describe different levels of consciousness, the concept "Diagramme of consciousness" is introduced. All evolving World, perceived by us, consider as set of working programs. Programs are characterized by discrete and continual semantic components. It sets senses of the program. We will consider that all possible senses are initially packed and placed in a continuum. Representation about compressed elements assuming as a basis of the semantic field concept. Differentiation of senses set not by division, bat as procedure of scaling specify on all field. Occurrence as a result of scaling of system of preferences, selectivity in an estimation of various sites of a field, creates preconditions unpacking of senses and program generation. The consciousness of the person acts in the World as a set of programs carriers of senses. Senses are initially set in the potential, not shown form and concrete unpacking of senses is represented free possibility for the person. Expand the description of a basis of Entity of the World, postulating, that in its sources there is a semantic field and rudiments of aptitude. The actual personal consciousness in phenomenal life of the person, not only occupies certain position in hierarchical system of revealing senses, but also coexists to quite certain concrete environment of aptitude. Aptitude is an internal fundamental principle of any life and all processes accompanying it. Evolution of aptitude of actual consciousness is comprehension gradually increasing on quality it underlying and pan-united fundamental principles of any concrete empirical life, both in individual manifestation, and in all its world's a whole, and also disclosing by consciousness effect totality of coexistence with the primordial nature of the Reality.



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