首页> 外文会议>International Joint Conference on Artifical Intelligence(IJCAI-05); 20050730-0805; Edinburgh(GB) >Evolino: Hybrid Neuroevolution / Optimal Linear Search for Sequence Learning

Evolino: Hybrid Neuroevolution / Optimal Linear Search for Sequence Learning


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Current Neural Network learning algorithms are limited in their ability to model non-linear dynamical systems. Most supervised gradient-based recurrent neural networks (RNNs) suffer from a vanishing error signal that prevents learning from inputs far in the past. Those that do not, still have problems when there are numerous local minima. We introduce a general framework for sequence learning, EVOlution of recurrent systems with LINear outputs (Evolino). Evolino uses evolution to discover good RNN hidden node weights, while using methods such as linear regression or quadratic programming to compute optimal linear mappings from hidden state to output. Using the Long Short-Term Memory RNN Architecture, the method is tested in three very different problem domains: 1) context-sensitive languages, 2) multiple superimposed sine waves, and 3) the Mackey-Glass system. Evolino performs exceptionally well across all tasks, where other methods show notable deficiencies in some.
机译:当前的神经网络学习算法在建模非线性动力系统方面的能力有限。大多数基于监督的基于梯度的递归神经网络(RNN)都遭受着消失的误差信号的影响,从而无法从过去的输入中学习。当局部极小值很多时,那些没有的问题仍然存在。我们介绍了序列学习的通用框架,即具有LINear输出的递归系统的EVOlution(Evolino)。 Evolino使用进化来发现良好的RNN隐藏节点权重,同时使用诸如线性回归或二次编程之类的方法来计算从隐藏状态到输出的最佳线性映射。使用Long Short-Term Memory RNN Architecture,该方法在三个非常不同的问题域中进行了测试:1)上下文相关的语言,2)多个叠加的正弦波,以及3)Mackey-Glass系统。 Evolino在所有任务上的表现都非常出色,而其他方法在某些任务上表现出明显的缺陷。



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