
2 Dig the Dirt Hashing Over Hygiene In the Artifice of the Real


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It seems kind of strange that eating parasitic worms causes a cure rather than a disease. Yet, this fact is no stranger than many other man-bites-dog stories about "real life" in contemporary times. Such stories arise at moments of changing equilibria in the processes of the social construction of reality. They are especially evident during periods of intense dialectic in which long held theses are being upended by powerful antitheses, and the glimmer of an eventual synthesis is still occluded by ignorance and confusion about what is at stake. The emergent dialectic among the "real" and the "virtual" provides a particularly interesting opportunity to explore the mechanisms of such dialectics. The opening quote from Laurie Anderson is a device to explicate the tension between the real and the virtual and the mechanics of reconciliation by which a new equilibrium might be forged.
机译:食用寄生蠕虫可以治愈而不是疾病,这似乎有些奇怪。然而,这一事实并不比当代许多其他有关“现实生活”的人咬狗故事陌生。这些故事是在现实的社会建构过程中变化的平衡时刻出现的。在强烈的辩证法时代,这些观点尤为明显,在长期的争论中,强有力的对立推翻了这些观点,而对最终问题的无知和困惑仍然掩盖了最终合成的微光。 “真实”和“虚拟”之间出现的辩证法为探索这种辩证法的机制提供了特别有趣的机会。劳里·安德森(Laurie Anderson)的开场白是一种手段,用以阐明现实与虚拟之间以及和解机制之间的张力,通过这种张力可以建立新的平衡。



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