首页> 外文会议>International Congress of Mathematicians Vol.3: Invited Lectures Aug 20-28, 2002 Beijing >Renormalization, Large Deviations and Phase Separation in Ising and Percolation Models

Renormalization, Large Deviations and Phase Separation in Ising and Percolation Models


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Phase separation is a fairly common physical phenomenon with examples including the formation of water droplets from humid air (fog, rain), the separation of a crystalline structure from an isotropic material such as a liquid or even the formation of the sizzling gas bubbles when a soda can is opened. It was recognized long ago (at least on a phenomenological level) that systems exhibiting several phases in equilibrium can be described with an appropriate variational principle: the phases arrange themselves in such a way that the energy associated with the phase boundaries is minimal. Typically this leads to an almost deterministic behavior and the phase boundaries are fairly regular. However, when looked at from a microscopic point of view, the system consists of a bunch of erratically moving molecules with relatively strong short-range interaction and the simplicity of the above macroscopic description looks more than miraculous. Indeed, when starting from the molecular level, there are many more questions to be asked and understood: which are the phases which we will see? why do only those occur? why are the phase boundaries sharp? how should we find (define) the energy associated with the interfaces? Only then can we ask the question: why does the system minimize this energy? It is only in the last decade that a mathematically satisfactory understanding of this phenomenon has been achieved. The main goal of the talk is to present the current state of affairs focusing thereby on results obtained in joint works with Raphael Cerf. The connection to fields of mathematics other than probability theory or statistical mechanics will be highlighted; namely, to geometric measure theory and to the calculus of variations.
机译:相分离是一种相当普遍的物理现象,其示例包括从潮湿的空气(雾,雨)中形成水滴,从各向同性的材料(例如液体)中分离出晶体结构,甚至在空气中形成沸腾的气泡。打开汽水罐。很久以前(至少在现象学层面)已经认识到,可以使用适当的变分原理来描述处于平衡状态的多个相的系统:相的排列方式应使与相边界相关的能量最小。通常,这导致几乎确定性的行为,并且相位边界相当规则。但是,当从微观的角度看时,该系统由一堆具有相对强的短程相互作用的不规则运动的分子组成,并且上述宏观描述的简单性看起来比奇迹更重要。的确,从分子水平出发,还有更多的问题要问和理解:我们将看到哪些阶段?为什么只有那些发生?为什么相位边界尖锐?我们如何找到(定义)与界面相关的能量?只有这样,我们才能问一个问题:为什么系统将这种能量降到最低?仅在最近的十年中,才获得了对该现象的数学上令人满意的理解。演讲的主要目的是介绍当前的事务状态,重点关注与Raphael Cerf共同合作取得的成果。将重点介绍与概率论或统计力学以外的其他数学领域的联系;即几何测度理论和变化的演算。



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