
Simulator Data Collection Requirements for HRA Studies


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HRA studies have for long while depended on a combination of expert judgment estimates, Swain Handbook numbers and from accident reports, see for a critique of HRA methods. Simulator data collection sessions have been carried world-wide , including the Electric Power Research Institute sponsored Operator Reliability Experiments, the simulator studies sponsored by the USNRC and Electricite De France. There has not been a total acceptance of the fact that simulator is the best approximation to the responses of operators during accident situations and the way to ensure that the HRA represents the actual crews responses to accidents. Training departments carryout a series of accident scenarios and these can be used for HRA purposes. A number of books on human error have focused upon a set of nuclear and other accidents to the exclusion of the simulator exercises as a source of data or basis for expert judgment estimates. This seems to be strange in that the simulator communities have tried to make the simulator as representative of reality as possible. But on the other hand, HRA experts and practitioners are often prepared to accept the judgments of operators in making human error probability estimates, when the operators' experience is obtained from the selfsame simulators! Finally, there appears to be a move among some researchers and organizations to accept the conclusion that the simulator is the best tool that we have and to begin to plan how to use the simulator for HRA purposes. The training communities use the simulators as a tool for training, but for the most part their use is very much in the tradition of the old apprenticeship system. It is our view that the basis of the Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) depends on the close relationship between measurement of operator performance and the modification of the learning objectives and their execution. The quality of data collected and analyzed could be improved, see. There is a natural relationship between the training needs and those of the HRA.



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