
Mobile Data Types for Communicating Processes


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Aliasing problems are a major source for error in traditional imperative languages (such as C) and modern object-oriented languages (such as Java, C++ and C#). Add in concurrency and the problems compound exponentially. Improperly synchronized access to shared (i.e. aliased) resources leads to problems of race hazard, deadlock, livelock and starvation. This paper describes the binding into occam (a concurrent processing language based on CSP) of a secure, dynamic and efficient way of sharing data between parallel processes with minimal synchronization overheads. The key new facilities provided are: a movement semantics for assignment and communication, strict zero-aliasing, apparently dynamic memory allocation and automatic zero-or-very-small-unit-time garbage collection. With occam becoming available on a variety of microprocessors for GUI building, internet services and small-memory-footprint embedded products, these capabilities are timely. Lessons are drawn for concurrency back in OO languages - and especially for the JCSP ("CSP for Java") package library.
机译:别名问题是传统命令式语言(如C)和现代面向对象的语言(如Java,C ++和C#)中错误的主要来源。并发添加后,问题将成倍增加。对共享(即别名)资源的不正确同步访问会导致种族危险,死锁,活锁和饥饿问题。本文介绍了将occam(基于CSP的并发处理语言)绑定到occam(一种安全,动态且有效的方式,以最小的同步开销在并行进程之间共享数据的方式)的方法。提供的关键新功能包括:用于分配和通信的运动语义,严格的零混淆,表面上动态的内存分配以及自动零或非常小的单位时间垃圾收集。随着occam在可用于GUI构建,互联网服务和小内存占用的嵌入式产品的各种微处理器上的普及,这些功能是及时的。我们以OO语言(尤其是JCSP(“ CSP for Java”)程序包库)的并发性为基础绘制了课程。



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