首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Conceptual Structures(ICCS 2007); 20070722-27; Sheffield(GB) >A Comparison of Different Conceptual Structures Projection Algorithms

A Comparison of Different Conceptual Structures Projection Algorithms


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Knowledge representation (KR) is used to store and retrieve meaningful data. This data is saved using dynamic data structures that are suitable for the style of KR being implemented. The KR allows the system to manipulate the knowledge in the data by using reasoning operations. The data structure, together with the contents of the transformed knowledge, is known as the knowledge base (KB). An algorithm and the associated data structures make up the reasoning operation, and the performance of this operation is dependent on the KB.In this paper, the basic reasoning operation for a query-answer system, projection, is explored using different theoretical algorithms. Within this discussion, the associated algorithms will be using different KBs for their Conceptual Graph (CG) knowledge representation. The basic projection algorithm defined using the CG representation is looking for a graph morphism of a query graph onto a graph from the KB. The overall running time for the projection operation is known to be a NP class problem; however, by modifying the algorithm, taking into account the associated KB, the actual time needed for discovering and creating the projection/s can be improved. In fact, a new projection algorithm will be defined that, given a typical query onto a carefully defined KB, presents a running time for the actual projection that only grows with the number of projections present.
机译:知识表示(KR)用于存储和检索有意义的数据。使用适合于正在实施的KR样式的动态数据结构保存此数据。 KR允许系统通过使用推理操作来操纵数据中的知识。数据结构以及转换后的知识的内容一起称为知识库(KB)。算法和相关的数据结构构成了推理操作,并且该操作的性能取决于知识库。本文使用不同的理论算法探索了查询-回答系统的基本推理操作,即投影。在此讨论中,关联的算法将使用不同的KB表示其概念图(CG)知识。使用CG表示法定义的基本投影算法正在从KB向图上查找查询图的图态。已知投影操作的总运行时间是一个NP类问题。但是,通过修改算法,并考虑到相关联的KB,可以提高发现和创建投影所需的实际时间。实际上,将定义一种新的投影算法,在对精心定义的KB进行典型查询的情况下,该算法将提供实际投影的运行时间,该运行时间仅随存在的投影数量而增加。



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