
A Positive Formalization for the Notion of Pragmatic Truth


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A logic aimed to formalize the concept of pragmatic truth is presented. We start by examining a previous attempt of formalization by da Costa and collaborators, reported in [5], and. However, their formalization works as mere possibility in face of what is known, or assumed. It is pointed out here that not being in conflict with the assumed knowledge is not enough to regard a proposition as a truth of any sort, providing just a necessary condition. A typical picture of the way a scientific theory evolves exhibit alternative hypothesis competing for expanding the theory. In our view, a pragmatic knowledge, at this stage of development of the theory, is one that can be taken as true under all those competing hypothesis. The logic presented here formalizes this process of theory evolution in order to properly express the notion of pragmatic truth as we understand it.
机译:提出了旨在正式化务实真理概念的逻辑。我们首先检查[5]中报道的da Costa和合作者以前进行形式化的尝试。但是,面对已知或假定的情况,将它们形式化只是一种可能性。这里要指出的是,不与假定的知识相冲突不足以将一个命题视为任何一种真理,仅提供必要的条件。科学理论发展方式的一幅典型图片展示了替代性假设,它们正在争夺该理论的扩展。我们认为,在理论发展的这一阶段,一种务实的知识是可以在所有这些相互竞争的假设下视为真实的知识。这里介绍的逻辑使理论发展的这一过程正式化,以便正确地表达我们所理解的务实真理的概念。



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