
Towards an End-User Development Approach for Web Engineering Methods


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End-users who are nonprogrammers create web applications by using advanced web development tools. However, these tools are not supported by any methodological process which produces that web applications are of low quality. This paper presents an approach to bring web engineering principles to the end-user community. We complement the web engineering method OOWS with tools that allow end-users to develop web applications by: (1) describing web applications in terms of the end-users' knowledge about the application domain, (2) automatically obtaining a web application prototype by means of the OOWS code generation strategy, and (3) personalizing the web application look and feel by simply selecting a design template. To achieve this, an ontology-based strategy is introduced to support end-users throughout the web application development. We also introduce a strategy that allows us to define domain-independent presentation templates.
机译:非程序员的最终用户可以使用高级Web开发工具来创建Web应用程序。但是,这些方法不支持任何导致Web应用程序质量低劣的方法论过程。本文提出了一种将Web工程原理引入最终用户社区的方法。我们通过允许最终用户开发Web应用程序的工具来补充Web工程方法OOWS:(1)根据最终用户对应用程序域的了解来描述Web应用程序,(2)通过以下方式自动获取Web应用程序原型: OOWS代码生成策略的方法,以及(3)通过简单地选择设计模板来个性化Web应用程序的外观。为了实现这一目标,引入了一种基于本体的策略,以在整个Web应用程序开发中为最终用户提供支持。我们还介绍了一种策略,该策略允许我们定义与域无关的演示模板。



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