
Epidemic: e-Learning Goes Viral


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In this case study, we document the development and user-testing of Epidemic: Self-care for Crisis, an online educational resource that invites users (aged 14-20) to develop game-based knowledge and practices around prevention, self-care and (misinformation in the face of contagious diseases - a timely project, given the ongoing anxieties, and false (and not so false) alarms, over SARS, Avian Flu, and H1N1. Contagion, the forerunner to Epidemic, mobilized the conventions and mechanics of single-player adventure games to engage players 'experientially' with health-and disease-related understandings: we configured the same basic self-care information as "narrative knowledge" [27] intended to mobilize players' attention and intelligence voluntarily, using narrative as a rhetorical strategy. We were using narrative's traditional, paradigmatic function within literate cultural forms of interpellation—stories of playful, pleasurable persuasion designed to engage players, Epidemic takes a decidedly different tack towards delivering the same educational content. Reconfiguring digital play within social networking conventions affords us a design-based platform for fundamental theory development in game-based learning. Epidemic's modular, Flash and XML-based design allows for accessible and straightforward creation and editing of educational 'content', both textual and visual: players can generate and publish their own virus-like avatars, stop-motion animations, and disease-related public service announcements. Some interesting divergences in play-based education on community health/self care, between interactive narrative and social-networking configurations for ludic knowledge representation, appear noteworthy. Our user-testing, we argue, signifies a further innovation in the field of educational game design, leaving behind the cliched concern over 'what did you learn today' in favor of focusing on when and how laughter, engagement and attention are most at work. Taken together, these innovations instantiate an approach to digitally-mediated learning that construes and practices assessment differently than in traditional education (and in educational technology design), which are more concerned with propositionally identifiable learning outcomes. In the case of Epidemic, however, we are more concerned with how play-based learning design can best support the cultivation of responsible and critically-informed attitudes towards public health. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work or personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.
机译:在本案例研究中,我们记录了《流行病:危机的自我保健》的开发和用户测试,这是一种在线教育资源,邀请用户(14-20岁)开发有关预防,自我保健和预防的基于游戏的知识和实践。 (面对传染性疾病的错误信息-考虑到持续存在的焦虑以及针对SARS,禽流感和H1N1的虚假(而非虚假)警报,这是一个及时的项目。)流行病的先驱性传染病动员了人们的惯例和技巧单人冒险游戏,以“体验式”方式让玩家与健康和疾病相关的理解:我们配置了与“叙事知识” [27]相同的基本自我护理信息,旨在通过叙事方式自动调动玩家的注意力和智力。我们在文学文化形式的互动中运用了叙事的传统,范式功能-旨在吸引玩家参与的有趣,愉悦的说服故事,《流行病》毫无疑问,提供相同教育内容的方式不同。在社交网络惯例中重新配置数字游戏为我们提供了一个基于设计的平台,用于基于游戏的学习中的基础理论开发。 Epidemic的模块化,基于Flash和XML的设计允许通过文本和视觉轻松地直接创建和编辑教育性“内容”:玩家可以生成和发布自己的类似病毒的化身,定格动画以及与疾病相关的公众信息服务公告。在基于互动的叙事和社交网络配置中,以游戏为基础的关于社区健康/自我保健的教育中,有趣的分歧似乎是值得注意的。我们认为,我们的用户测试标志着教育游戏设计领域的进一步创新,使人们不再关注“您今天学到了什么”,而将重点放在何时,如何发挥笑声,参与度和注意力上。综上所述,这些创新实例化了一种数字介导的学习方法,其解释和实践评估的方式与传统教育(以及教育技术设计)中的方式不同,传统教育更关注于命题可识别的学习成果。但是,在流行病方面,我们更关注基于游戏的学习设计如何最好地支持对公众健康的负责任和批判性的态度培养。如果不为牟利或商业利益而制作或分发副本,并且副本载有本通知和第一页的全部引用,则可以免费制作此作品的部分或全部或个人或教室使用的数字副本或硬拷贝, 。要进行其他复制,重新发布,在服务器上发布或重新分发到列表,需要事先获得特定许可和/或费用。



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