首页> 外文会议>International technical meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation;ION GNSS 2005 >Development of a Real-Time Multipath MonitorBased on Multi-Correlator Observations*

Development of a Real-Time Multipath MonitorBased on Multi-Correlator Observations*




So far, multi-correlator observations have primarily beenused for the detection of so-called “Evil Waveforms”,anomalous signals transmitted from a satellite. The firstobservation of such an evil waveform was reported in1993, after an anomalous behavior of SV19 had beendetected. The measurement of the power spectrum of thisanomalous signal revealed a large spike at the centerfrequency instead of showing a normal sinc functionshape. In 1994, the reason for this anomalous behaviorhas been identified as a failure in the satellite's signalgeneration and transmission hardware. The last years haveseen much effort to detect such signal failures with theconsequence that current satellite based augmentationsystems like LAAS or WAAS include Signal QualityMonitoring (SQM) concepts to protect airborne usersagainst such threats (e.g. [1] [4],[5] [6],[7]).The detection of satellite signal failures benefits from thefact that such failures result in distortions of the signal'scorrelation function. Therefore, one possible approach todetect such failures is to monitor the incoming signal bymeans of several correlators which are placed at distinctlocations along the correlation function. By means of thistechnique, the actual shape of the correlation function canbe compared to its “nominal” shape and deviations fromthe nominal shape can be assigned to signal failures. Inorder to be able to detect only the satellite signal failures,other influences that also distort the correlation function(mainly multipath) must be considered as well. This isusually done by means of calibration measurements at adistinct site (the future monitor station), where themultipath influences in this specific environment are“recorded” and the required monitor thresholds areadjusted accordingly. This method ensures that onlydistortions caused by signal failures are detected and thatfalse alarms caused by multipath signals are minimized.Since both satellite signal failures and multipath result ina distorted correlation function, it should also be feasibleto use multi-correlator observations for the detection ofmultipath signals. Based on this idea, this paper providesa concept to use correlation peak observations fordetecting and monitoring multipath signals in real-timeand to provide the user with instant information whetheror not a satellite signal is affected by multipath.The general idea for the implementation of this real-timemultipath monitor is to constantly monitor the correlationfunction by means of several correlators, to combine thecorrelator outputs mathematically and to compare themwith a threshold that indicates whether or not thecombined correlation peak observations exceed theircorresponding noise level. If this threshold is exceeded, itis assumed that the incoming signal is not only affectedby noise but also by other interfering signals (mainly bymultipath, less frequently by signal failures).The paper starts with a description of the generalmonitoring concept. The second section deals with thequestion how the correlator outputs can be combined in
机译:迄今为止,多相关器观测主要用于检测所谓的“邪恶波形”,即从卫星发射的异常信号。在检测到SV19的异常行为之后,1993年首次报道了这种邪恶波形。测量该异常信号的功率谱显示,在中心频率处出现大的尖峰,而不是正常的sinc函数形状。 1994年,这种异常行为的原因已被确定为卫星的信号生成和传输硬件出现故障。过去的几年,人们为检测此类信号故障付出了巨大的努力,其结果是,当前的基于卫星的增强系统(如LAAS或WAAS)包括信号质量监控(SQM)概念,以保护机载用户抵御此类威胁(例如[1] [4],[5] [6] ,, [7])。卫星信号故障的检测受益于这样的事实,即此类故障会导致信号的相关函数失真。因此,一种检测此类故障的可能方法是通过沿相关函数放置在不同位置的几个相关器监视输入信号。通过该技术,可以将相关函数的实际形状与其“名义”形状进行比较,并且可以将与名义形状的偏差分配给信号故障。为了仅能够检测到卫星信号故障,还必须考虑也会使相关函数(主要是多径)失真的其他影响。通常是通过在不同站点(将来的监视站)进行校准测量来完成的,在该站点中“记录”了在此特定环境中的多径影响,并相应地调整了所需的监视阈值。这种方法可以确保仅检测到由信号故障引起的失真,并最大程度地减少了由多径信号引起的虚假警报。由于卫星信号故障和多径都会导致失真的相关函数,因此使用多相关器观测来检测多径信号也是可行的。基于此思想,本文提供了一个概念,即使用相关峰值观测来实时检测和监视多径信号,并为用户提供即时信息,无论卫星信号是否受到多径影响。 timemultipath监视程序将通过几个相关器不断监视相关函数,以数学方式组合相关器输出,并将它们与一个阈值进行比较,该阈值指示组合的相关峰观测值是否超过了其相应的噪声水平。如果超过此阈值,则假定传入的信号不仅受到噪声的影响,而且还受到其他干扰信号的影响(主要是多径,信号故障的发生频率较小)。本文从对通用监视概念的描述开始。第二部分是关于如何将相关器输出合并的问题



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