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Citrate exudation and proton release by phosphorus-deficient Lupinus albus as affected by fusicoccin and vanadate




White lupin (Lupinus albus L. cv. Kiev) plants were grown in nutrient solution at 0, 1, 25, 250 μM P for 36 d to examine carboxylate exudation and H~+ release from roots in response to fusicoccin and vanadate application and to assess relationship between carboxylate exudation and H~+ release. Root exudates were collected in the nutrient solution containing K, Ca, Mg, B, and vanadate or fusicoccin. The results showed that lupin crops tended to develop cluster root regardless of P supply before 12 days after treatment (DAT), but cluster root formation was significantly inhibited by high P supply with time. The application of 1 μM P induced more cluster roots compared with the 0 μM P treatment after 21 DAT. In contrast, cluster root formation was significantly inhibited by P supply of 25 or 250 μM P. The low-P supply induced higher citrate exudation and proton release. Acidification was also evident at 25 and 250 μM P though citrate exudation was not detected. Proton release mainly occurred in active normal or cluster roots, indicating higher spatial heterogeneity within root system. Proton release decreased with increased application of vanadate, and was significantly inhibited at over 100 μM vanadate. Citrate exudation showed a similar pattern to vanadate, but an increased exudation was observed at 500 μM vanadate. Localised supply of 100 μM vanadate to single cluster root inhibited proton release, but there was still a higher citrate exudation. Fusicoccin enhanced significantly the proton release and citrate exudation in comparison to control. The results suggest that non-synchronous processes may be involved in the release of proton and exudation of citrate under P deficiency, but citrate exudation is highly associated with activity of ATPase. Proton release is mainly caused by excess cation uptake by the roots of plants.
机译:将白羽扇豆(Lupinus albus L. cv。Kiev)植物在营养液中分别以0、1、25、250μMP种植36 d,以检查羧甲基青霉素和钒酸盐的施用对根系中羧酸盐渗出和H〜+释放的影响。评估羧酸盐渗出与H〜+释放之间的关系。根分泌液收集在含有K,Ca,Mg,B和钒酸盐或Fusicoccin的营养液中。结果表明,在处理后12天(DAT)之前,无论是否供应磷,羽扇豆作物都倾向于形成簇根,但是随着时间的推移,高磷供应会明显抑制簇根形成。与21 DAT后的0μMP处理相比,施用1μMP诱导了更多的簇根。相比之下,供应25或250μMP会明显抑制簇根的形成。供应低磷会导致柠檬酸盐渗出和质子释放增加。尽管未检测到柠檬酸盐渗出,但在25和250μMP时酸化也很明显。质子释放主要发生在活动的正常或簇生根中,表明根系内较高的空间异质性。质子释放随钒酸盐用量的增加而减少,并且在超过100μM的钒酸盐中被显着抑制。柠檬酸盐的渗出显示出与钒酸盐相似的模式,但是在500μM的钒酸盐中观察到渗出增加。向单个簇根局部供应100μM钒酸盐可抑制质子释放,但柠檬酸盐渗出量仍较高。与对照相比,Fusicoccin显着增强了质子释放和柠檬酸盐渗出。结果表明,P缺乏下质子的释放和柠檬酸盐的渗出可能与非同步过程有关,但柠檬酸盐的渗出与ATPase的活性高度相关。质子释放主要是由于植物根部过量摄取阳离子引起的。



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