首页> 外文会议>Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Education Conference (IEDEC), 2012 2nd >Exploring embedded software concepts using the hellfire platform in an undergraduate course

Exploring embedded software concepts using the hellfire platform in an undergraduate course


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Information Technology-related undergraduate programs, such as Computer Science and Computer Engineering, offer courses that cover a broad spectrum of embedded systems' topics. An embedded system is composed of hardware and embedded software. The software that composes these systems has become noticeable and its presence increases the number of features offered by the embedded systems. However, it is not always clear to undergraduate students the division and the cooperation that must exist between hardware and software in such systems. In this paper we report on our experience teaching students about the structure of embedded systems and how relevant software is in this context. More specifically, we have used a tool named Hellfire Framework to decrease this knowledge gap. Hellfire is a platform for developing embedded applications with real-time constraints. The framework consists of a set of tools that suggests a design flow to guide the development of a complete hardware/software solution. In our course, we provide a simplified version of one of the framework components, the HellfireOS. This component is used for analysis and modification of the system source code. By using the HellfireOS, students can better understand the impact of code changes on the overall system operation. We have been using the Hellfire framework for over two years. Over these years we have noticed that students have increased their comprehension of the hardware-software interaction in embedded systems.
机译:与信息技术相关的本科课程,例如计算机科学和计算机工程,提供的课程涵盖了嵌入式系统的广泛主题。嵌入式系统由硬件和嵌入式软件组成。组成这些系统的软件变得引人注目,并且它的存在增加了嵌入式系统提供的功能数量。但是,对于本科生来说,在这样的系统中硬件和软件之间必须存在的划分和协作并不总是很清楚。在本文中,我们报告了我们的经验,向学生讲授嵌入式系统的结构以及在这种情况下相关软件的情况。更具体地说,我们使用了一个名为Hellfire Framework的工具来缩小这种知识鸿沟。 Hellfire是用于开发具有实时约束的嵌入式应用程序的平台。该框架由一组工具组成,这些工具提出了设计流程以指导完整的硬件/软件解决方案的开发。在我们的课程中,我们提供了框架组件之一HellfireOS的简化版本。该组件用于分析和修改系统源代码。通过使用HellfireOS,学生可以更好地了解代码更改对整个系统操作的影响。我们使用Hellfire框架已有两年多了。这些年来,我们注意到学生对嵌入式系统中软硬件交互的理解有所提高。



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