
Calibrating a Super-large Range Clamping Ring Type Torque Transducer with Similarity Method


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In traditional calibration, we must use a torque standard machine which measuring range is larger than that of the calibrated torque transducer. With the rapidly development of power machinery, its torque has been larger than 100kNm now, but it is difficult to establish corresponding torque standard machine in so large range. We developed a similarity method in calibrating those super-large range clamping ring type torque transducer in 30kNm torque standard machine. Testing a series of specimens with same method, similarity in geometry, time and kinetic, but in different similarity rates, we obtain the largest similarity rates in 12.5 with uncertainty ≤ 0.5%. It means that we can calibrate a 375kNm clamping ring type torque transducer on a 30kNm torque standard machine with uncertainty ≤0.5%. In the same reason, with the similarity method, larger torque transducer can be calibration. The theorem, testing, data processing, uncertainty analysis are described with detail in this paper.



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