
Image analysis using Hilbert space


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Abstract: There has been tremendous progress in the image processing (input: images, output: images) and computer graphics (input: numbers, output: images) area. Unfortunately, progress in image analysis (input: images, output: numbers) has been much slower. In this paper, we introduce the ideas of image analysis using Hilbert space which encodes an image to a small vector. An image can be interpreted as a representation of a vector in a Hilbert space. It is well known that if the eigenvalues of a Hermitian operator is lower-bounded but not upper-bounded, the set of the eigenvectors of the operator is complete and spans a Hilbert space. Sturm-Liouville operators with periodic boundary condition and the first, second, and third classes of boundary conditions are special examples. Any vectors in a Hilbert space can be expanded. If a vector happens to be in a subspace of a Hilbert space where the domain L of the subspace is low (order of 10), the vector can be specified by its norm, an L-vector, and the Hermitian operator which spans the Hilbert space. This establishes a mapping from an image to a set of numbers. This mapping converts an input image to a 4-tuple: P $EQ (norm, T, N, L-vector), where T is a point in an operator parameter space, N is an integer which specify the boundary condition. Unfortunately, the best algorithm for this scheme at this point is a local search which has high time complexity. The search is first conducted for an operator in a parameter space of operators. Then an error function $delta@(t) is computed. The algorithm stops at a local minimum of $delta@(t).!12
机译:摘要:在图像处理(输入:图像,输出:图像)和计算机图形学(输入:数字,输出:图像)领域已取得了巨大进步。不幸的是,图像分析(输入:图像,输出:数字)的进展要慢得多。在本文中,我们介绍了使用希尔伯特空间将图像编码为小向量的图像分析的思想。图像可以解释为希尔伯特空间中向量的表示。众所周知,如果埃尔米特算子的特征值是下界而不是上界,则该算子的特征向量集是完整的,并且跨越希尔伯特空间。具有周期性边界条件以及第一,第二和第三类边界条件的Sturm-Liouville算子是特殊示例。希尔伯特空间中的任何向量都可以扩展。如果向量恰好在希尔伯特空间的子空间中,子空间的域L较低(10的阶数),则可以通过范数,向量L和跨越希尔伯特的Hermitian运算符来指定该向量空间。这将建立从图像到一组数字的映射。该映射将输入图像转换为4元组:P $ EQ(范数,T,N,L矢量),其中T是运算符参数空间中的一个点,N是指定边界条件的整数。不幸的是,此时该方案的最佳算法是具有高时间复杂度的本地搜索。首先在运算符的参数空间中对运算符进行搜索。然后计算误差函数$ delta @(t)。该算法在$ delta @(t)的局部最小值处停止!! 12



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