
Revisiting Deep Intrinsic Image Decompositions




While invaluable for many computer vision applications, decomposing a natural image into intrinsic reflectance and shading layers represents a challenging, underdetermined inverse problem. As opposed to strict reliance on conventional optimization or filtering solutions with strong prior assumptions, deep learning based approaches have also been proposed to compute intrinsic image decompositions when granted access to sufficient labeled training data. The downside is that current data sources are quite limited, and broadly speaking fall into one of two categories: either dense fully-labeled images in syntheticarrow settings, or weakly-labeled data from relatively diverse natural scenes. In contrast to many previous learning-based approaches, which are often tailored to the structure of a particular dataset (and may not work well on others), we adopt core network structures that universally reflect loose prior knowledge regarding the intrinsic image formation process and can be largely shared across datasets. We then apply flexibly supervised loss layers that are customized for each source of ground truth labels. The resulting deep architecture achieves state-of-the-art results on all of the major intrinsic image benchmarks, and runs considerably faster than most at test time.



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