
Magnetic Flux Controllers for Induction Heating Applications


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Application of magnetic flux controllers/concentrators to induction heating coils can drastically improve the process efficiency and heat pattern control. Presentation includes: benefits provided by flux controllers, materials available for controllers, application techniques, computer assisted design of induction coils with concentrators, examples of applications. Depending on induction system design, magnetic flux controllers can concentrate heating in a specified area, change heat source distribution and shield a particular part zone or external area preventing unintended eddy current heating. Besides of the coil efficiency improvement and optimal power distribution, magnetic flux controllers reduce the coil current demand from a supplying circuitry thus strongly reducing losses in busswork, cables, transformers and inverter components. Improvement that can be achieved due to magnetic flux controllers is case dependable. 2D and 3D computer simulation allows the designer to predict accurately effect of controllers on the coil parameters and temperature distribution and optimize the whole electromagnetic system. Special attention in presentation is paid to new magnetodielectric materials optimized for induction heating conditions. These materials have high magnetic permeability and saturation flux density, excellent machinability, good chemical and temperature resistance. Concentrators from these materials can work in a wide range of frequencies and specific powers. Examples of magnetic flux controller application include surface hardening of shafts and gears, induction surface hardfacing and brazing. Magnetic Flux Controllers (MFC) are a powerful tool in induction heating technology. Recently, better understanding of their role in different induction heating systems has been obtained through a comprehensive study using computer simulation and experiments. The results of this study show that the proper use of a magnetic flux controller is always beneficial in an induction heating system, while the degree of improvement is case dependable. They can play different roles in induction heating installations and in various applications are called concentrators, controllers, diverters, cores, impeders or screens.
机译:将磁通量控制器/集中器应用于感应加热线圈可以大大提高过程效率和热模式控制。演讲内容包括:磁通控制器的优势,控制器可用的材料,应用技术,带有集中器的感应线圈的计算机辅助设计,应用示例。根据感应系统的设计,磁通量控制器可以将加热集中在指定区域中,更改热源分布并屏蔽特定的零件区域或外部区域,以防止意外的涡流加热。除了提高线圈效率和优化功率分配之外,磁通控制器还减少了供电电路对线圈电流的需求,从而大大减少了母线,电缆,变压器和逆变器组件的损耗。由于磁通量控制器而导致的改进取决于情况。 2D和3D计算机仿真使设计人员可以准确预测控制器对线圈参数和温度分布的影响,并优化整个电磁系统。演讲中特别注意针对感应加热条件进行了优化的新型磁电材料。这些材料具有很高的导磁率和饱和磁通密度,出色的可加工性,良好的耐化学性和耐高温性。这些材料的集中器可以在各种频率和特定功率下工作。磁通量控制器应用的示例包括轴和齿轮的表面硬化,感应表面硬化和钎焊。磁通量控制器(MFC)是感应加热技术中的强大工具。最近,通过使用计算机模拟和实验的全面研究,已经更好地了解了它们在不同的感应加热系统中的作用。这项研究的结果表明,在感应加热系统中正确使用磁通量控制器始终是有益的,而改进程度则视情况而定。它们在感应加热装置中可以扮演不同的角色,在各种应用中被称为集中器,控制器,分流器,堆芯,阻碍器或屏蔽。



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