首页> 外文会议>International conference of GIS and Remote Sensing in hydrology, water resources and environment;ICGRHWE >Indicators for Water Carrying Capacity Assessment of Shenzhen City Based on DPSIR Framework

Indicators for Water Carrying Capacity Assessment of Shenzhen City Based on DPSIR Framework


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This paper first presents a generalized indicator system for water carrying capacity assessment based on the Driving forces-Pressure-State-Impact-Response framework. 7 principles is proposed for choosing the specific indicators which include satisfying the sustainable development principle, reflecting water resources characteristics and social, economic development level of the studied area, having forecasting capacity, expressing assessment objectives, having reasonable indicator number, easy for quantifying and using relative values. According to the water resources characteristics and social, economic development situation of Shenzhen City, a indicator system with 9 indicators is recommended which include average GDP per capital, comprehensive water using ratio of GDP, monthly water usage per capital, waste water disposal ratio, water resources developing ratio, utilizable water resources per capital, high water quality ratio, land cover percentage and water resources management efficient



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