首页> 外文会议>Geotechnical Special Publication no.144; Multidisciplinary Conference; 20050924-28; San Antonio,TX(US) >Karst in Appalachia - A Tangled Zone: Projects with Cave-Sized Voids and Sinkholes

Karst in Appalachia - A Tangled Zone: Projects with Cave-Sized Voids and Sinkholes


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Although many people in the world live over karstic terrain, in the karst areas of the Appalachian Mountains they live over the remains of the largest mountains (above the ocean), which were thrown up in massive plate movement, and the accompanying volcanoes. The limestone rock, shale, coal, silt and clay layers laid down millennia ago have been thrust up into a tangled and contorted mess. In many places the strike of the rock is contorted, folded, and may go past vertical. When you drill into this mess, you encounter randomly placed hard rock, soft soil, aggregate layers, and complete voids. For the contractor who is attempting to build, he will find areas where it may take 15 or 20 feet of drilling in order to reach competent rock or hard cemented sand on which to found your structure. And that encounter may take place 50 or 100 feet underneath the surface. Occasionally you may never reach hard rock or competent soil. Drill holes may be wet or dry. Perched water tables and cave-sized voids are common. The designer of projects in karst areas needs to remain aware of the possible difficulties. Rembco does about 2/3 of its work in Appalachia. Decisions sometimes need to be made hourly, or even by the minute, about what action needs to be taken to prevent the loss of drill bits, the loss of casing, and the breakage of equipment, and about how to keep costs within reason. In this paper, we describe a number of projects which illustrate ground rules we have developed to overcome the variables. These projects may sound anecdotal, but when anecdotal evidence constitutes over half the company's work, it is an excellent foundation for approaching such problems. The illustrations come from drilled mini-piles, from soil nailed and anchored retaining walls, and from underground grouting carried out for many purposes including stopping and re-routing water.
机译:尽管世界上有许多人生活在岩溶地带,但在阿巴拉契亚山脉的喀斯特地区,他们生活在最大的山脉(海洋上方)的遗骸上,这些遗骸被大规模的板块运动以及伴随的火山所抛弃。几千年前铺设的石灰岩,页岩,煤,粉砂和黏土层被推成一个纠结的扭曲的烂摊子。在许多地方,岩石的走向被扭曲,折叠并且可能超过垂直方向。当您钻入这个烂摊子时,会遇到随机放置的硬石,软土,骨料层和完整的空隙。对于尝试建造的承包商,他会找到可能需要15或20英尺钻探的区域,以到达能够在其上找到您的结构的称职岩石或硬质水泥沙。这种相遇可能会发生在表面下方50或100英尺处。有时候,您可能永远不会接触坚硬的岩石或土壤。钻孔可能是湿的也可能是干燥的。栖息的地下水位和洞穴大小的空隙很常见。喀斯特地区的项目设计者需要始终意识到可能存在的困难。 Rembco在阿巴拉契亚开展了约2/3的工作。有时需要每小时甚至每分钟做出决定,以决定采取什么措施来防止钻头丢失,套管损失和设备损坏,以及如何使成本保持在合理范围内。在本文中,我们描述了许多项目,这些项目说明了为克服变量而开发的基本规则。这些项目听起来可能有些轶事,但是当轶事证据构成公司工作的一半以上时,它就是解决此类问题的良好基础。这些插图来自钻孔的微型桩,固定在土钉上和锚固的挡土墙,以及出于多种目的而进行的地下灌浆,包括停止和重新注水。



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