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Socio-economic vulnerability to natural hazards – proposal for an indicator-based model


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The severity of a natural hazard impact on a society depends, among others on the intensityrnof the hazard and vulnerability factors like the number, and resistance of exposed elements (e.g. persons,rnbuildings and infrastructure). Social conditions strongly influence the vulnerability factors both forrndirect and indirect impact and therefore have the power to transform the occurrence of a natural hazardrninto a natural disaster.rnThis paper presents a model, using an indicator-based methodology, to assess relative socio-economicrnvulnerability to landslides. The indicators represent the underlying factors which influence a community’srnability to deal with, and recover from the damage associated with landslides. The proposed model includesrnindicators which represent demographic, economic and social characteristics as well as indicatorsrnrepresenting the degree of preparedness and recovery capacity. Although this model focuses primarily onrnthe indirect losses, it could easily be extended to include more physical indicators which account for therndirect losses. Each indicator is individually ranked from 1 (lowest vulnerability) to 5 (highest vulnerability)rnand weighted, based on its overall degree of influence. The final vulnerability estimate is formulatedrnas a weighted average of the individual indicator scores. Application of the proposed model is shown forrna Norwegian community.
机译:对社会的自然灾害影响的严重性,除其他因素外,还取决于灾害和脆弱性因素的强度,例如暴露的要素(例如人,建筑物和基础设施)的数量和抵抗力。社会条件强烈影响脆弱性因素的直接和间接影响,因此具有将自然灾害的发生转化为自然灾害的能力。本文提出了一种基于指标的方法来评估滑坡的相对社会经济脆弱性的模型。 。这些指标代表了影响社区应对与山体滑坡相关的损害并从中恢复的潜在因素。提议的模型包括代表人口,经济和社会特征的指标以及代表备灾和恢复能力的指标。尽管此模型主要关注间接损失,但可以轻松地扩展它以包括更多说明直接损失的物理指标。每个指标根据其总体影响程度从1(最低漏洞)到5(最高漏洞)分别排名和加权。最终的脆弱性评估由各个指标得分的加权平均值制定而成。所提出的模型的应用显示于挪威的挪威社区。



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