
Physical effects caused by superluminal transfer of information


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Abstract: The contribution of superluminal excitations to the potential and vortex components of the potentials and electric and magnetic field strengths of electromagnetic field is considered. It is noted that imposing the boundary conditions, corresponding to a combination of retarded and advanced interactions, on the solution of the equations of electrodynamics enables one to explain the result of Kosyrev's observations, according to which for any space object three images registered by earthly detectors are available. The effect of relativity of physical processes caused by instantaneous signals is discussed. It is shown that this effect presents a way of predicting the behavior of ap physical system in future, provided its evolution is strictly determined. According to the results received, the abnormal optical phenomena, arising in the immediate vicinity of plasma flows, are natural manifestations of the own fields surrounding these flows. The mechanism of interaction-at-a-distance between bodies, caused by the instantaneous transfer of excitations of the own fie of charged particles, is considered. It is shown that because of the presence of the tail of electrons' wave function and of the own field, transmitting signals with superluminal sped, the photon teleportation is possible. The Principle of Self-Organization is formulated that operates the world and creates all its variety. !17
机译:摘要:研究了超光激发对电势和涡旋分量以及电磁场的电场和磁场强度的贡献。值得注意的是,在电动力学方程的解上加上边界条件,对应于延迟和高级相互作用的组合,可以使人们解释科希尔伏夫观测的结果,根据该观测结果,对于任何空间物体,由地面探测器记录的三幅图像可用。讨论了由瞬时信号引起的物理过程的相对性的影响。结果表明,只要严格确定其演化,这种效应就可以预测未来物理系统的行为。根据收到的结果,在等离子流附近产生的异常光学现象是这些流周围自身场的自然表现。考虑了由带电粒子自身的fie的激发的瞬时转移引起的物体之间的距离相互作用的机理。结果表明,由于电子波函数的尾部和自身场的存在,以超光速加速传输信号,因此光子可以隐形传送。制定了“自组织原则”,以运作世界并创造各种多样性。 !17



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