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Submicron structures--promising filters in EUV: a review


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Abstract: A novel, fledgling approach to the filtering of EUV radiation for laboratory and space applications is reviewed. Foils perforated by a set of parallel channels with submicron diameters serve as wavelength-dependent filters. Each channel passes photons when the wavelength is much smaller than the channel diameter. The transmission of the channel drops dramatically, however, when the wavelength becomes comparable to or larger than the channel diameter. The relevant theoretical considerations as well as available experimental data are presented. Several different ways to manufacture such kind of filters are outlined, including nuclear track filters, anodized metal films, and microchannel plate technology. Advantages and disadvantages of each technique are discussed. The history of the work in the field as well as prospects for the future are presented. !17
机译:摘要:本文综述了一种新颖的,新兴的方法,用于实验室和太空应用的EUV辐射过滤。由一组具有亚微米直径的平行通道穿孔的箔片用作与波长相关的滤光片。当波长远小于通道直径时,每个通道都会通过光子。然而,当波长变得等于或大于通道直径时,通道的透射率急剧下降。介绍了相关的理论考虑以及可用的实验数据。概述了制造此类过滤器的几种不同方法,包括核径迹过滤器,阳极氧化金属膜和微通道板技术。讨论了每种技术的优缺点。介绍了该领域的工作历史以及未来的前景。 !17



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