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Application of Systems Engineering Principles In The Creation of a New Master of Science In Systems Engineering Degree Program


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A university accepts the challenge torncreate a new Master of Science curriculum needed byrnindustry. Industry declares a major shortfall inrnknowledgeable systems engineers and an inability tornknowingly identify the capabilities of thosernpractitioners that are available. Add to that mixture,rna professional base that is still debating how to definernitself and the boundaries that govern its practice.rnThese are just some of the elements faced byrnSouthern Polytechnic State University and LockheedrnMartin Aeronautics Company (both based inrnMarietta, Georgia) in developing a joint CertificaternProgram and a Master of Science in SystemsrnEngineering Degree Program. And these concerns dornnot take into account other issues that every newrncurriculum faces.



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