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Carrot Bisacetylenic Oxylipins - Phytochemicals Behind the Mask of the Superfood


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Carrots are an important vegetable of the American diet and contain numerous bioactive phytoalexins. Polyacetylenes are bitter tasting bisacetylenic oxylipins in the family of plants known as Umbelliferae or Apiaceae. Carrots contain three predominate polyacetylenes which include falcarinol, falcarindiol, and falcarindiol 3-acetate. The concentration of polyacetylenes in colored carrots varies by as much as seven fold and may be dependent upon growing conditions, root tissue anatomy, year harvested, and storage and processing conditions. Polyacetylenes have traditionally been extracted with ethyl acetate or dichloromethane, or more recently by supercritical fluid extraction. Carrot polyacetylenes possess allelopathic activity which may explain the historical health benefits of carrots since studies investigating β-carotene doesn't seem to adequately explain the reduced risk of certain types of cancer. Polyacetylenes are cytotoxic to certain fungi, microorganisms, and protective against various cancer cells in both in vitro and in vivo studies. Polyacetylenes possess bioactive properties which include the inhibition of lipid transport enzymes, induction of liver phase II detoxification enzymes, and anti-inflammatory activity. Carrots should be included in the top superfoods list due to their high dietary prevalence, wide variety of potent bioactive secondary metabolites, and increasing level of scientific support for human health.



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