首页> 外文会议>Eleventh International Dryland Development Conference: Global Climate Change and its Impact on Food amp; Energy Security in the Drylands >Yield and water use efficiency of barley under different irrigation scheduling methods in southern Tunisia

Yield and water use efficiency of barley under different irrigation scheduling methods in southern Tunisia


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In southern Tunisia,having less than 200 mm of annual precipitation,saline shallow ground water is used for irrigation.This study evaluated the effectiveness of the different irrigation scheduling methods and the automatic irrigation by comparing net income with a virtual water price.Barley was cultivated with drip irrigation.First treatment was “full” irrigation(FI)in which amounts required to replenish the root zone to field capacity was applied when the estimated readily available water was depleted.Second and third treatments were 0.7 and 0.5 times of amount but the same timing as first one.Fourth was deficit irrigation but only during maturity stage(DIM50).Fifth was an automatic irrigation system which applied 20 mm water when the monitored water content reached below a threshold value.Sixth was simulated irrigation in which optimized amount of water was applied every 4 days using a numerical model,WASH_2D,that simulates water,solute,and heat transport and crop response in two dimensions.Results showed that automatic and simulated treatments attained higher yields but the total applied depths were also high.The other treatments which applied less depth gave lower yield and net income but water use efficiency(yield per unit irrigation depth)was higher than automatic and simulated irrigation treatments.The highest net income was obtained in automatic irrigation.On the other hand,the highest water use efficiency was obtained in DIM50.
机译:在突尼斯南部,年降水量不到200毫米,使用咸淡水灌溉。本研究通过将净收入与虚拟水价进行比较,评估了不同灌溉调度方法和自动灌溉的有效性。第一种处理是“完全”灌溉(FI),其中估计的可用水减少后,采用补充根部区域至田间生产所需的量。第二和第三种处理量为灌溉量的0.7和0.5倍,但与第四次灌溉的时间相同。第四次灌溉是亏水灌溉,但仅限于成熟期(DIM50)。第五次是自动灌溉系统,当监测到的水含量低于阈值时应用20 mm水。第六次是模拟灌溉,优化灌溉量使用数值模型WASH_2D每4天施用一次水,该模型可以模拟水,溶质,热传递和作物在两天后的响应结果表明,自动和模拟处理的单产较高,但总施用深度也较高;其他施用深度较小的处理的单产和净收入较低,但水分利用效率(单位灌溉深度的产量)高于自动和人工灌溉。在自动灌溉中获得了最高的净收入。另一方面,在DIM50中获得了最高的用水效率。



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