
Data flow testing for virtual prototypes




Data flow testing (DFT) has been shown to be an effective testing strategy. DFT features a high fault detection rate while avoiding the intense scalability problems to achieve full path coverage. In this paper we propose to apply data flow testing for SystemC virtual prototypes (VPs). Our contribution is twofold: First, we develop a set of SystemC specific coverage criteria for data flow testing. This requires to consider the SystemC semantics of using non-preemptive thread scheduling with shared memory communication and event-based synchronization. Second, we explain how to automatically compute the data flow coverage result for a given VP using a combination of static and dynamic analysis techniques. The coverage result provides clear suggestions for the testing engineer to add new testcases in order to improve the coverage result. Our experimental results on real-world VPs demonstrate the applicability and efficacy of our analysis approach and the SystemC specific coverage criteria to improve the testsuite.
机译:数据流测试(DFT)已被证明是一种有效的测试策略。 DFT具有高故障检测率,同时避免了严重的可扩展性问题,从而实现了完整的路径覆盖。在本文中,我们建议将数据流测试应用于SystemC虚拟原型(VP)。我们的贡献是双重的:首先,我们为数据流测试开发了一组SystemC特定的覆盖标准。这需要考虑使用具有共享内存通信和基于事件的同步的非抢占式线程调度的SystemC语义。其次,我们说明如何使用静态和动态分析技术的组合自动计算给定VP的数据流覆盖范围结果。覆盖结果为测试工程师添加新的测试用例以改善覆盖结果提供了明确的建议。我们在实际VP上的实验结果证明了我们的分析方法和SystemC特定的覆盖标准可以改善测试套件的适用性和有效性。



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