首页> 外文会议>Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition >Benefits of asynchronous control for analog electronics: Multiphase buck case study

Benefits of asynchronous control for analog electronics: Multiphase buck case study




Analog and mixed signal (AMS) electronics becomes increasingly complex and needs to be digitally enhanced by its own control circuitry. The RTL synthesis flow routinely used for digital logic is however optimized for synchronous data processing and produces inefficient control for AMS. In this paper we demonstrate the evident benefits of asynchronous circuits in the context of AMS systems, and propose an asynchronous design for analog electronics (A4A) flow for their specification, synthesis, and formal verification. A library of specialized analog-to-asynchronous (A2A) components is developed for interfacing analog signals to asynchronous control. A4A flow is automated in the Workcraft framework and evaluated using a multiphase buck converter case study. The simulation results show improved response time, voltage ripple, and peak current of the buck when controlled asynchronously. These benefits lead to the higher efficiency of power conversion, and can be traded off for the cost of analog components. A4A flow, A2A interfaces, and Workcraft tools are used for development of power converters at Dialog Semiconductor.
机译:模拟和混合信号(AMS)电子设备变得越来越复杂,需要通过其自己的控制电路进行数字增强。但是,通常用于数字逻辑的RTL综合流程已针对同步数据处理进行了优化,并且对AMS的控制效率低下。在本文中,我们演示了异步电路在AMS系统中的明显好处,并提出了一种针对模拟电子(A4A)流程的异步设计,以用于其规格,综合和形式验证。开发了一个专用的模拟到异步(A2A)组件库,用于将模拟信号连接到异步控制。 A4A流程在Workcraft框架中是自动化的,并使用多相降压转换器案例研究进行了评估。仿真结果表明,异步控制时,响应时间,电压纹波和降压峰值电流得到改善。这些好处可带来更高的电源转换效率,并且可以以模拟组件的成本为代价。 A4A流程,A2A接口和Workcraft工具用于Dialog Semiconductor的功率转换器开发。



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