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Design automation for quantum architectures




We survey recent strides made towards building a software framework that is capable of compiling quantum algorithms from a high-level description down to physical gates that can be implemented on a fault-tolerant quantum computer. We discuss why compilation and design automation tools such as the ones in our framework are key for tackling the grand challenge of building a scalable quantum computer. We then describe specialized libraries that have been developed using the LIQUi|〉 programming language. This includes reversible circuits for arithmetic as well as new, truly quantum approaches that rely on quantum computer architectures that allow the probabilistic execution of gates, a model that can reduce time and space overheads in some cases. We highlight why these libraries are useful for the implementation of many quantum algorithms. Finally, we survey the tool Revs that facilitate resource efficient compilation of higher-level irreversible programs into lower-level reversible circuits while trying to optimize the memory footprint of the resulting reversible networks. This is motivated by the limited availability of qubits for the foreseeable future.
机译:我们调查了在构建软件框架方面的最新进展,该软件框架能够从高级描述到可以在容错量子计算机上实现的物理门编译量子算法。我们讨论了为什么诸如编译和设计自动化工具(例如我们框架中的工具)对于应对构建可伸缩量子计算机的巨大挑战至关重要。然后,我们描述使用LIQUi |〉编程语言开发的专用库。这包括用于算术的可逆电路以及依赖量子计算机架构的真正的新量子方法,该量子计算机架构允许门的概率执行,该模型可以在某些情况下减少时间和空间开销。我们重点说明了为什么这些库对于实现许多量子算法很有用。最后,我们对工具Revs进行了调查,该工具可将资源高效地将高级不可逆程序编译为低级可逆电路,同时尝试优化所得可逆网络的内存占用量。这是因为在可预见的将来,量子位的可用性有限。



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