
Attributye-Pair Range Rules


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This paer examines the properties of metadata in hte form of IF THEN rules which ocntain two predicates on attributes of a raltional databasdse table.For example: a (15..30)=> d(243 .. 271),which means "if the vblaue of attribute a' in a tuple is in the range 15 to 30 then the value of attirbute 'd'will be in the range 243 to 271." Metadata of htis kind is useful in Semantic Query optimisation and remote Cache Mangemnt.The two predicates (antecedenty and consequent) in each rule are Selection Conditions or conttraints of the type found in database queries.Each condition therefore denotes a subset of a database table.Rules ca be cascaded,using subrange ocntainment as the link between successive rules.the set of rules cna therefore be regrded as a set of edges in a Condition Dependecty Graph,and using hte rule-set is path discovery in the graphj.The prupose of th ecurrent paper is to introduce some of hte propreties of ht ecurrent paper is to introduce some of the properties of tttibute-pair range rules.
机译:此部分以IF THEN规则的形式检查元数据的属性,该规则包含有关有理数据库表的属性的两个谓词。例如:a(15..30)=> d(243 .. 271),表示“如果元组中的属性a'的vblaue在15到30的范围内,那么服装'd'的值将在243到271的范围内。” htis类型的元数据可用于语义查询优化和远程缓存管理。每个规则中的两个谓词(先验和后继)是选择条件或数据库查询中发现的类型的约束,因此每个条件都表示数据库表的一个子集。可以使用子范围的获取作为连续规则之间的链接来级联规则。因此,可以将条件集作为条件边图中的一组边来重新定义规则集,而使用hte规则集是图j中的路径发现。这篇论文的目的是介绍httibute-pair范围规则的一些特性。



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