首页> 外文会议>Control System, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE), 2011 IEEE International Conference on >Compact single hidden layer feedforward network for mycobacterium tuberculosis detection

Compact single hidden layer feedforward network for mycobacterium tuberculosis detection


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Advances in imaging technology and artificial intelligence have greatly enhanced the research and development of computer-aided tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis system. The system aims to assist medical technologist and improve the accuracy of clinical diagnosis. A typical architecture of a computer-aided TB diagnosis system consists of image processing, feature extraction and classification. Finding an effective classifier for the system has been regarded as a critical topic, in order to improve the detection performance and avoid making false decision. In this study, the recent method called compact single hidden layer feedforward neural network (C-SLFN) trained by an improved Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) is evaluated for detecting the TB bacilli. Six affine moment invariants are extracted from segmented tissue slide images and fed into the C-SLFN. The network is trained and classified the input patterns into three classes: `TB', `overlapped TB' and `non-TB'. Further, the study compares the network performance with a SLFN trained using the standard ELM algorithm. The results obtained from this study suggested that the standard ELM still outperformed the C-SLFN in term of classification accuracy. The standard ELM, however requires a large number of hidden nodes compares to the C-SLFN.
机译:影像技术和人工智能的进步极大地增强了计算机辅助结核(TB)诊断系统的研究和开发。该系统旨在协助医疗技术人员并提高临床诊断的准确性。计算机辅助结核病诊断系统的典型体系结构包括图像处理,特征提取和分类。为了提高检测性能并避免做出错误的决定,为系统找到有效的分类器已被视为一个关键主题。在这项研究中,评估了由改进的极限学习机(ELM)训练的称为紧凑型单隐藏层前馈神经网络(C-SLFN)的最新方法,用于检测结核杆菌。从分割的组织玻片图像中提取六个仿射矩不变式,并将其馈入C-SLFN。对该网络进行培训并将输入模式分为三类:“ TB”,“重叠TB”和“非TB”。此外,该研究将网络性能与使用标准ELM算法训练的SLFN进行了比较。从这项研究获得的结果表明,就分类准确性而言,标准ELM仍胜过C-SLFN。与C-SLFN相比,标准ELM需要大量隐藏节点。



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