首页> 外文会议>Conference on Vision Geometry XII; 20040119-20040120; San Jose,CA; US >Were optical projections used in early Renaissance painting? A geometric image analysis of Jan van Eyck's 'Arnolfini portrait' and Robert Campin's 'Merode Altarpiece'

Were optical projections used in early Renaissance painting? A geometric image analysis of Jan van Eyck's 'Arnolfini portrait' and Robert Campin's 'Merode Altarpiece'

机译:文艺复兴早期的绘画中是否使用了光学投影?扬·范·埃克(Jan van Eyck)的《阿诺尔菲尼肖像》和罗伯特·坎宾(Robert Campin)的《梅罗德祭坛》的几何图像分析

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It has recently been claimed that some painters in the early Renaissance employed optical devices, specifically concave mirrors, to project images onto their canvas or other support (paper, oak panel, etc.) which they then traced or painted over. In this way, according to the theory, artists achieved their newfound heightened realism. We apply geometric image analysis to the parts of two paintings specifically adduced as evidence supporting this bold theory: the splendid, meticulous chandelier in Jan van Eyck's "Portrait of Arnolfini and his wife," and the trellis in the right panel of Robert Campin's "Merode Altarpiece." It has further been claimed that this trellis is the earliest surviving image captured using the projection of any optical device―a claim that, if correct, would have profound import for the histories of art, science and optical technology. Our analyses show that the Arnolfini chandelier fails standard tests of perspective coherence that would indicate an optical projection. Or more specifically, for the physical Arnolfini chandelier to be consistent with an optical projection, that chandelier would have to be implausibly irregular, as judged in comparison to surviving chandeliers and candelabras from the same 15th-century European schools. We find that had Campin painted the trellis using projections, he would have performed an extraordinarily precise and complex procedure using the most sophisticated optical system of his day (for which there is no documentary evidence), a conclusion supported by an attempted "re-enactment" We provide a far more simple, parsimonious and plausible explanation, which we demonstrate by a simple experiment. Our analyses lead us to reject the optical projection theory for these paintings, a conclusion that comports with the vast scholarly consensus on Renaissance working methods and the lack of documentary evidence for optical projections onto a screen.
机译:最近有人声称,在文艺复兴早期的一些画家使用光学设备,特别是凹面镜,将图像投射到他们的画布或其他支撑物(纸,橡木板等)上,然后进行描画或绘制。这样,根据理论,艺术家实现了他们新发现的增强现实主义。我们对两幅画作的部分进行了几何图像分析,以作为支持这一大胆理论的证据:扬·范·埃克(Jan van Eyck)的《阿尔诺菲尼和他的妻子的肖像》中的精美细致的枝形吊灯,以及罗伯特·坎宾(Robert Campin)的《梅罗德》中右图的格子。祭坛。”进一步声称,该网格是使用任何光学设备的投影捕获的最早存在的图像-声称,如果正确,它将对艺术,科学和光学技术的历史具有深远的意义。我们的分析表明,Arnolfini枝形吊灯未能通过标准的透视相干测试,而该测试无法表明光学投影。或更具体地讲,要使物理Arnolfini枝形吊灯与光学投影保持一致,则该枝形吊灯将必须具有令人难以置信的不规则形状,与来自相同15世纪欧洲学校的尚存的枝形吊灯和枝形烛台相比,这是判断。我们发现,如果Campin用投影画出网格,他将使用当时最复杂的光学系统(没有任何书面证据)执行极其精确和复杂的程序,这一结论得到了“重新制定”的支持。 “我们提供了更为简单,简约和合理的解释,我们通过一个简单的实验进行了说明。我们的分析使我们拒绝了这些画作的光学投影理论,这一结论与文艺复兴时期工作方法的广泛学术共识以及缺乏在屏幕上进行光学投影的文献证据相符。



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