
Fuzzy logic resource manager: real-time adaptation and self- organization


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A fuzzy logic expert system has been developed that automatically allocates electronic attack (EA) resources distributed over different platforms in real-time. Genetic algorithm based optimization is conducted to determine the form of the membership functions for the fuzzy root concepts. The resource manager (RM) is made up of five parts, the isolated platform model, the multi-platform decision tree, the fuzzy EA model, the fuzzy parameter selection tree and the fuzzy strategy tree. The platforms are each controlled by their own copy of the RM allowing them to automatically work together, i.e., they self-organize through communication without the need of a central commander. A group of platforms working together will automatically show desirable forms of emergent behavior, i.e., they will exhibit desirable behavior that was never explicitly programmed into them. This is important since it is impossible to have a rule covering every possible situation that might be encountered. An example of desirable emergent behavior is discussed as well as a method using a co-evolutionary war game for eliminating undesirable forms of behavior. The RM's ability to adapt to changing situations is enhanced by the fuzzy parameter selection tree. Tree structure is discussed as well as various related examples.



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