
History of lasers in otorhinolaryngology-head neck surgery: Part Ⅰ - an overview


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The history of lasers in otolaryngology-head & neck surgery (ORL) demonstrates the advances seen in the application of laser energies. This paper is the beginning of our review of the five pillars which support the long and mutually-beneficial relationship between laser technologies and ORL: (1) "necessity is the mother of invention" - organ systems which require innovative approaches for diagnosis and treatment; (2) clinicians who seek and incorporate new technologies; (3) "feedback" effect of technology leading to changes in clinical care which may obviate the need for that technology itself; (4) "right place, right time" -the close collaboration between corporate, clinical and basic science realms, and (5) financial. These principles provide the context for following the progressive application of laser energy in ORL for ablation, tissue-altering and most recently, sensing.
机译:耳鼻咽喉头颈外科手术(ORL)中激光的历史证明了激光能量应用的发展。本文是我们回顾支持激光技术与ORL之间长期和互利关系的五个支柱的开始:(1)“必要性是发明之母”-器官系统需要创新的诊断和治疗方法; (2)寻求和采用新技术的临床医生; (3)技术的“反馈”效应导致临床护理发生变化,从而可能消除对该技术本身的需求; (4)“正确的地点,正确的时间”-公司,临床和基础科学领域之间的紧密合作,以及(5)财务。这些原理为在ORL中逐步应用激光能量进行消融,组织改变以及最近的传感提供了背景。



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