
Quality of Service Renegotiations


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Giving users simple access to QoS selection capability of ATM networks is important for the future of integrated services networks. We describe the first instance of an application in which users had the capacity to tune ATM traffic parameters with a button, at run time. To achieve this we implemented the necessary signaling extension on ATM switches as well as on end-systems. Furthermore, we extended Arequipa (Application REQested IP over ATM; a mechanism that enables applications to request direct ATM connections for their exclusive use, and to directly control their traffic parameters) to support modification, and modified the popular Mbone tool Vic (VIdeo Conferencing) to use Arequipa to request and modify ATM bandwidth at will. We describe how Vic. accomplished this over the ATM WAN of SWISSCOM, transferring live video from Lausanne to Basel over switched, renegotiable ATM connections.
机译:使用户简单地访问ATM网络的QoS选择功能对于集成服务网络的未来非常重要。我们描述了应用程序的第一个实例,在该实例中,用户可以在运行时使用按钮来调整ATM流量参数。为此,我们在ATM交换机以及终端系统上实施了必要的信令扩展。此外,我们扩展了Arequipa(ATM上的应用程序要求IP;一种使应用程序可以请求直接ATM连接以专用于其并直接控制其流量参数的机制)以支持修改,并修改了流行的Mbone工具Vic(VIdeo会议)。使用Arequipa随意请求和修改ATM带宽。我们描述维克。通过SWISSCOM的ATM WAN完成此任务,通过交换的,可重新协商的ATM连接将实时视频从洛桑传输到巴塞尔。



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